Thursday 1 June 2017

Treatment and Home Remedies: See Solutions To Your Earache

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How to Get Rid of a Painful Earache - Treatment and Home RemediesAnyone who’s ever had an earache knows just how painful it can be. Child, teen, or adult, an earache hurts, and the pain is sometimes excruciating. Although anyone can get an earache, it’s most common in children than teens or adults. Kids are simply exposed to more germs and infections and are also developing their immune system.
Pain in the ear can come in many different ways. It can, for instance be a dull constant pain, or may be more of a throb. The pain can also be quite piercing, and may be a symptom of an underlying condition.

Symptoms of Ear Pain

When you have ear pain, you’re undoubtedly going to know it. Pain in the ear is awful, and if you’ve got children that can’t quite tell you what’s wrong, some of the following symptoms are a sure sign of an earache:
• Stiff Neck
• High Fever
• Rubbing, Pulling, or Tugging the Ear
• Trouble Balancing
• Abnormal Hearing
• Irritability

Causes of Ear Pain

There are actually quite a few causes of ear pain. It can result from an imbalance in the ear as well as from other various viral forms of infection. Some common causes of ear pain include:
• Fluid Build-Up in the Ear
• Infection in the Ear Canal
• Colds, Flu, or Throat Infections
• Tooth Infection
• Eczema in the Ear Canal
• Joint Pain
• Pain in the Jaw

7 Home Remedies for Ear Pain

There is no need to rush to the doctor if you’re experiencing ear pain. While you may if it makes you feel more comfortable, it is still very easy to treat ear pain at home. You can go to the doctor and use these home remedies for faster relief. These home remedies will also do wonders to treat ear pain at home without the need to visit the doctor.

1. Warm Compress

Using a warm compress is probably the best at-home method to treat ear pain. To use a warm compress, run hot water over a hand towel and rinse until all the water is out. Place this warm towel over the ear that you are experiencing pain in and leave on until it cools off. The heat will bring unprecedented relief and will reduce any swelling that has occurred. For those that are suffering from ear pain because they have a cold, this will help to greatly reduce the pain.

2. Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil
If your ear pain is not internal, lavender oil is one of the best home remedies you could use. This soothing oil should be rubbed on the outer ear many times throughout the day. You may also think about using the oil in a hot compress. The aroma will be soothing and can help to reduce irritation in children.

3. Olive Oil

Olive Oil
Warm olive oil has been used to treat ear pain for hundreds of years. All that is needed is a few drops of warm olive oil heated but not burning. Put this warm oil into a bottle that has a dropper that can be used to get the warm oil inside the ear. Add a few drops of oil, plug the ear with a cotton swab and leave it in so no oil can escape. This will work great, and ear pain should go away quickly.

4. Onion

Onion is one of nature’s more powerful foods used to fight infection and ward off harmful bacteria. It also helps to reduce inflammation that sometimes occurs when there is pain in the ear. To use onion to treat an earache, make a paste of chopped onion and water and apply it to the outer region of the ear. This will offer serious relief.

5. Eucalyptus Oil and Steam

Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is great for opening up air passages in the body and is known for its vapor effects. To use this beneficial oil to treat ear pain, add a few drops to a big bowl or pot of steaming hot water and place your head over with a towel covering it. This will help trap the steam as you let it work its way through the body and open up its passages.

6. Garlic and Mullen

Garlic is seriously one of the best natural ways to boost immunity that is found in nature. You can make a liquid out of Mullen flower oil and garlic oil and drop it into the infected ear. Trap the oil with a cotton ball and it will provide excellent relief. It helps to reduce infection by fighting the microbes that cause infection.

7. Wiggle the Ears

While kids probably won’t want anything to do with a game while they have an earache, this method provides a way to help get rid of infection without putting anything in or on the ear. Wiggling the ears will help as will yawning. This helps to pop the Eustachian tubes that sometimes get clogged and cause pain.

8. Blow your Nose

A lot of the time an earache is a sign of a cold or flu. If you’ve got a cold and your nose is stuffed up, blowing it to remove the mucus is highly recommended. When the air passages are blocked, this puts pressure on the ear canal and causes sometimes extreme pain. Blowing the nose and clearing the nasal passages will greatly reduce pain in the ear.

Ear pain is terribly painful and is never fun to deal with. It can be treated at home and these methods have proven to work just as effectively as some over-the-counter medications. Home remedies have been used for years to treat earache and are a great alternative for those who wish to take care of their health in a holistic method in the comfort of their own home.

Trying any of the above mentioned remedies will greatly reduce a painful earache. You may also try opening and closing the jaw to keep the ear passages open, and always remember to keep foreign objects out of your ears.


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