Thursday 1 June 2017

14 Best Removal Methods to Get Rid of Skin Tags In Your Body

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How to Remove Skin Tags - 14 Best Home RemediesSkin tags, composed of nerve cells, fat cells, core ducts and fibers are covered with epidermis and are scientifically known as achrochordon. For the most part, skin tags are harmless and painless, but anyone that’s had skin tags knows what a nuisance they are. They usually form on parts of the body where there are folds of skin such as the armpits, eyelids, under the breasts, upper neck, groin, and chest. Skin tags are usually very small in diameter, with the worst case having a skin tag grow as large as 5cm.
Skin tags are formed by blood vessels and collagen that become trapped in thicker pieces of skin. Skin rubbing against skin is one of the biggest causes of skin tags. For those that have had skin tags in the past, it is well known that they usually appear on parts of the body where there are folds and creases in the skin itself.
Those who are overweight or suffer from obesity are more likely to have skin tags than people that are in good shape and of average weight. Pregnant women may also get skin tags as their bodies change to accompany their growing baby and as the hormones in their body rapidly change. Those that suffer from diabetes are also known to be more susceptible to skin tags. There are also cases where skin tags are hereditary, this being the number one cause of their formation. It should be noted that skin tags affect both sexes equally.

Treatment of Skin Tags

Skin tags can be treated either surgically or at home with natural remedies. They are usually not harmful, but many people desire to get rid of them for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons. The following are all used to treat skin tags medically and should always be performed by a trained medical professional:

1. Cryosurgery

Cryosurgery is where liquid nitrogen is used to freeze off the skin tag. Liquid nitrogen has long been used in surgical procedures to remove unwanted skin irritations such as skin tags and warts. To remove the skin tag with cryosurgery a probe is used to freeze the skin tag so it can be easily removed.

2. Cauterization

In cauterization, the skin tag is removed using electrolysis. This process uses an electrical current that applies heat directly to the skin tag. In cauterization, the skin tag is burned and off and removed easily.

3. Ligation

Ligation helps stop the blood supply to the skin tag so it may die and be easily removed. To remove a skin tag using ligation, a small band is sometimes tied to the base of the skin tag where blood supply is stopped, causing the skin tag to die.

4. Excision

Excision is simply where the skin tag is cut off. In medical procedures, this is done with a scalpel.
While the above mentioned methods should be used only by a professional, there are ways to remove skin tags at home. For those that do not want to go to the doctor, skin tags can easily be removed by using tried and tested natural home remedies that work just as well as surgical removal. Home remedies are less invasive than going to the doctor and can provide just as good results for skin tag removal. If you suffer from the aggravation that skin tags can bring, trying any of the following home remedies will help remove skin tags for good and you comfortable again in your own skin.
Before you partake in any of the following for skin tag removal at home, it is important that you check for any color changes of the skin tags you want to remove. Most often, skin tags will be the same color as your skin, or perhaps just a little darker. While these are fine to remove at home, skin tags that are very dark purple or even black should only be removed by a professional.

14 How To Remove Skin Tags In Your Naturally

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar comes with a host of beneficial properties for natural health. Removing skin tags is just another reason to always keep a bottle on hand. Extremely effective in skin tag removal, apple cider vinegar will remove your skin tag in 2-4 weeks when applied everyday. To apply apple cider vinegar dab a small amount on a cotton ball or Q-tip and apply directly to the problem area. Apple cider vinegar has a tendency to sting a bit, but this will quickly go away.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another great natural remedy for many things and should be kept in every home that cares about taking care of their health naturally. As an excellent remedy for removing skin tags, tea tree oil will help get rid of these extra pieces of skin in a matter of a week. To use tea tree oil to treat skin tags, soak a cotton ball in water and add a few drops of tea tree oil to the saturated cotton ball. The soaked cotton ball should be applied right onto the skin tag in a circular motion. Repeating this 1-2 times a day will vanquish skin tags in 7-10 days.

3. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of different skin conditions. Anyone who’s ever had a sunburn knows how beneficial this plant can be. Applying aloe vera gel directly to a skin tag will remove it for good. To make aloe vera more effective for removing skin tags, make a paste using black walnut hull and aloe vera gel, which will take the skin tag off quicker than aloe vera gel alone.

4. Vitamin E

Another excellent source for healthy skin, vitamin E is a great way to naturally remove skin tags. By rubbing vitamin E oil directly to the skin tag, it will be gone in 1-2 weeks. When you combine vitamin E with crushed garlic and let it sit over night, you will see much quicker results than with vitamin E alone.

5. Garlic

Not only effective when mixed with vitamin E, garlic is another great way to remove skin tags naturally at home. To effectively use garlic to remove skin tags, crush a few cloves and extract their juice. Apply the juice directly to the skin tag you want to remove and cover it with a Band-Aid. Doing this three times a day will help to quickly remove the skin tag.

6. Onion

Nature is full of ways to powerfully heal the body, and onion is yet another effective way to naturally remove skin tags. Onion juice will get rid of skin tags in about a week by simply applying it every night before bed. To make this juice, slice an onion into small pieces and soak it in an airtight container overnight with about a teaspoon of salt. After the onions have had sufficient time to sit, use an extractor to remove the juice from this onion/salt mixture. Applying this juice directly to the skin tag, covering it, and letting it sit overnight for a week will help greatly.

7. Lemon Juice

Full of citric acid, lemon juice works to decompose the cells within the skin tag. Lemon juice should be applied directly to the skin tag with a cotton ball and left to dry. The lemon juice helps to dry out the skin tag to the point where it simply disappears. Using lemon juice will offer results after just a few days when used daily.

8. Banana Peel

Another natural remedy for removing skin tags is using banana peels. All you need to do is cut the banana peel into small pieces and put it directly onto the skin tag, with the inside of the peel that was next to the fruit on the skin tag. Hold this in place with a Band-Aid or two and let it sit overnight. Do this every night until the skin tag eventually falls off.

9. Pineapple Juice

Applying pineapple juice directly onto a skin tag will help get rid of them in as soon as one week. All that is needed is to apply the pineapple juice directly to the skin tag 2-3 times a day for a week. Do not rinse the pineapple juice off, rather let it dry naturally and you will see skin tags fade completely away in a short time.

10. Dental Floss

Not all remedies are “natural” but there are a few other ways to remove skin tags easily at home that are just as safe as the natural remedies listed here. Using dental floss is one such way to get rid of skin tags at home and will do so in 2-3 weeks. To remove skin tags this way, the dental floss should be tied tightly in a knot at the base of the skin tag. This works by blocking off the flow of blood to the skin tag, where it will eventually just disappear.

11. Nail Polish

Although nowhere near natural, nail polish is a great way to get rid of skin tags. To remove them this way, paint the skin tag completely with nail polish and let dry. Painting the skin tag with polish 2-3 times a day will make the skin tag slowly dissipate until it fades away completely in a week or two.

12. Duct Tape

Another thing you can apply to a skin tag is duct tape. This strong tape will help bring the skin tag off easily when it is left on for a week. After 7 days when the tape is removed, the skin tag will be removed with it. This has also been a tried and true method for removing moles and warts.

13. Nail Clippers

This is the closest to surgery you will get when removing skin tags at home. You must be careful when applying this method so the skin tag and surrounding area does not become infected. Before you cut the skin tag off, you will want to sterilize the clippers and rub the skin tag and area around it with alcohol. Numbing the skin tag with an ice cube will make things less painful when you pull the skin tag away from the skin and quickly cut it off. Once the bleeding has stopped, apply antibiotic and cover with a Band-Aid until healed.

14. Castor Oil

This versatile oil can be used both internally and externally for a variety of common ailments. Externally used to treat skin tags, castor oil will get rid of these lesions in 2-4 weeks. To use castor oil to treat skin tags, mix the oil with a bit of baking soda until a paste forms. Put the paste directly on the skin tag and cover with a Band-Aid. Repeating this daily will cause the skin tag to eventually go away.


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