Thursday 1 June 2017

Methods To Get Rid of Armpit Rash Very Fast

Top 10 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Armpit Rash FastThe armpits are rather vulnerable parts of your body. They are exposed to high temperatures which leads to having wet skin at a stretch. This makes these areas of your body be one of the best breeding spots for various yeasts and bacteria.
Moreover, the skin under your arms is treated with rather harsh chemicals on a daily basis which can lead to unpleasant allergic reactions. You apply gels for depilation, remove the hair and use antiperspirants. Thus, there is nothing surprising about the fact that one day you may experience armpit rash.
In order to get rid of this skin malaise, you can use several home remedies which have been described in the current article. Still, it will be advisable to understand the real reason for this health condition before you decide to try any of the methods.

Check Out Reasons and Symptons For Armpit Rash

Armpit rash may vary because of different factors which entailed this malaise. The most popular symptoms of this problem are an itching sensation, pain, skin discoloration and rash. Unpleasant odour which can occur in some particular cases of armpit rash can be rather embarrassing.
It is also important to pay your attention on the fact that the skin can become bumpy or rather tender and extremely dry. Some culprits of armpit rash can cause skin exfoliation. In such situations, you will probably have white or yellowish flakes on the area under your arms.
As far as you can see, these skin conditions can be rather nasty. First of all, the odour can be rather unpleasant. Furthermore, having such skin problems will make depilating extremely painful. Therefore, you will obviously resign from this normal procedure. As a result, you are likely to wear clothes with long sleeves even if the weather is hot.
If you have figured out at least one symptom mentioned on this list, in all likelihood, you have got armpit rash. Sometimes this skin issue will vanish quickly without your help. This is true in the cases when the problem has occurred due to the weather changes or an allergic reaction to some cosmetics. Otherwise, the ailment can be present on your skin for quite a long time providing you do not treat it.
You will see that some problems should be addressed quickly in order to get rid of armpit rash.

Contact dermatitis

One of the least serious causes of armpit rash is contact dermatitis, which is the result of the exposure of your skin to an irritant or allergen. Normally, you will be able to figure out the culprit of your skin issue quite easily. If you have just developed your rash, it is possible that your skin simply doesn’t like your new beauty products.
Check whether your antiperspirant, deodorant, depilation cream, lotion or fragrance has entailed this problem.
You can also experience armpit rash after using a new method of depilation. For instance, your skin may be rather sensitive during the first time you are using depilatory devices with plucking elements. As a result, you may experience irritation and skin discoloration after this procedure.


Eczema or atopic dermatitis is another possible reason for your armpit rash. This problem usually develops in the childhood and attacks the folds of the body. For instance, it can occur in the armpits, on the inside area of your elbows and the backs of the knees.
The particular symptoms of this malaise are red skin and an itching sensation. Unfortunately, the area of your skin affected with eczema can also bleed or have clear fluid on it.
Frequently, people who are suffering from eczema experience these symptoms several times a year, although normally their skin looks healthy.

Seborrheic dermatitis

There is another type of dermatitis which can lead to armpit rash. It is sebborheic dermatitis which is a skin malaise entailed by the excessive production of skin oils (sebum). The great difference between eczema and sebborheic dermatitis is that in this second case skin becomes rather oily. It results in the appearance of scales or flakes which can be yellowish and oily.
As a rule, this kind of dermatitis attacks the skin which is covered with hair. Therefore, it can occur on some other areas, for instance, on your head. The main cause of this malaise is the hormonal imbalance in one’s body.


Candidiasis is a skin issue which is caused by a fungus or yeast. The infection likes moist areas of the body as well as mucosa. It can occur during hot days, specially, under the condition that a person is wearing inappropriate clothes, for instance, too tight T-shirts or the ones made of artificial materials which do not let the skin breath.
Of course, poor hygiene is one of the most frequent reasons for candidiasis. It is also important to pay your attention on the fact that people who prefer the diet rich in sugars and alcohol become rather susceptible to this illness as candida can develop easily when a person has excessive levels of sugar in one’s blood.

One of the most common symptoms of candidiasis is itching sensations.

Traditional Treatment of Armpit Rash

It is obvious that you should solve the problem with your armpit rash in order to have healthy skin. It is particularly important as untreated states can lead to the development of pustules which are fluid-filled bumps. They become extremely inflamed entailing the aggravation of the itching sensations. Once you scratch them, scars can be left on your skin.
In addition to it, some particular skin problems which have been described above can have other serious consequences. Therefore, you should try to cure your skin.
The traditional treatment of armpit rash may differ in the cases of particular ailments. Thus, providing you are suffering from an allergic reaction, you may use calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream which will reduce the inflammation and irritation of your skin.
Other medicines will be useful in case of suffering from candidiasis. In such a situation, you can apply antifungal ointments, for instance ketoconazole, clotrimazole or nystatin. Pay your attention on the fact that hydrocortisone creams can’t be used for treating fungi as they may lead to the aggravation of your skin condition.
The medicines which have been mentioned above can be purchased over-the-counter. Still, if your armpit rash is the result of eczema or sebborheic dermatitis, it is advisable to visit a doctor first. The medical consultant will definitely recommend you effective drugs for your illnesses.
No matter what is the real culprit of your skin issue, there are several steps which you should lead in order to make any treatment more beneficial.


You should keep the affected area clean. It is recommendable to use mild soap or lotions. Wipe the skin dry after washing with a soft and clean towel. If you are suspecting that the culprit of your armpit rash is an infection, it will be good to change the towel frequently in order to avoid further skin infestation.

Appropriate Clothing

It is important to wear appropriate clothing while treating your armpit rash. The shirts you put on should be quite loose. Avoid clothing made of artificial fabrics such as nylon, polyamide or polyester. These materials do not allow your skin breath which will make the damaged area stay wet all the time. As a result, the rash may become more intensive.
It will also be reasonable to bring awareness to the fabric coloured with some pigments which tend to come off the material. For instance, you may have a T-shirt which can’t be washed with other items as it can discolour them. Actually, harsh pigments used for colourising fabrics may aggravate your allergy or skin irritation.

Keep Your Skin Dry

It will be good for you to keep your skin dry as it will help the wounds to heal. In addition to it, dry skin isn’t suitable for microorganisms to breed on it. This is one of the reasons it has been said above that you should wear loose clothing.
In order to keep your skin dry, you can use pure corn starch. Just apply a thin layer of this product on the skin of your armpits.
If you have such an opportunity, stay in the rooms with air conditioning in case it is hot outdoors. This will help you to keep your underarms dry.

Resign from Beauty Products and Procedures

It will be sensible to resign from any cosmetics during the period of treating your armpit rash. The only thing you are allowed to use is a mild soap. Any kinds of antiperspirants, creams or perfumes can’t be used.
Of course, do not depilate or shave the area.

Reduce Friction

The reduction of the friction in your armpits is important to allow the skin heal more quickly. In order to do you it, you should place soft and thick cloth in your underarms. Of course, it is important to emphasise that loose clothing will also help you to decrease the friction.

Methods To Get Rid of Armpit Rash Very Fast

Now, when you know about the possible culprits of armpit rash, it is important to try any of the natural remedies which can help you to treat your skin malaise or, at least, will reduce unpleasant sensations.

1. Ice

The simplest thing you can do in order to get rid of your pain and an itching sensation is to place several ice cubes on the area affected with rash. This procedure can be repeated as frequently as you want to, although do not forget to wipe your skin dry after the ice melts completely.

2. Hot Compress

A hot compress can also support healing of your armpit rash. Apply a hitting pad on the affected skin and leave it there for as long you want. The heat will promote drainage which is essential for quick recovery of your skin.

3. Vitamin E

You have probably heard about the qualities of vitamin E which are extremely positive for skin. A great number of cosmetic products for skin include this substance as it helps to regenerate damaged cells and supports the production of new ones.

You can take vitamin E as a supplement to your diet as well as apply it directly on your skin. Massage the affected area to be sure that the vitamin has been absorbed completely.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a perfect substance for everyone who is suffering from armpit rush. You should definitely try this product as it works like a natural deodorant and creates the conditions which are absolutely unsuitable for the breeding of yeasts and fungi. As you have already know, these two infections lead to candidiasis.
There are many ways you can apply soda. For instance, you can ass several teaspoons of this product to your bath. Additionally, you can apply baking soda directly on the skin under your arms.

5. Vitamin C

In order to get rid of armpit rash in a short time, it will be sensible to eat Vitamin C as well. This substance is a crucial ingredient which revitalise all the cells in your organism and reduce inflammation. In addition to it, Vitamin C will boost your immune system which is especially important for those people who have developed armpit rash because of infections.
You can also apply Vitamin C directly on your skin. For instance, you can buy this substance in the form of powder.

6. Aloe Vera

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, if it comes to skin malaises, aloe vera gel is one of the best products for treating these ailments. Rich in vitamins and mineral substances, this plant has an extremely good capacity of reaching the deepest layers of the skin. Thus, it can successfully treat various damages and irritations.
Take some aloe vera gel and place it on the area affected by armpit rash. You can leave the substance there for several minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Don’t forget to wipe the skin dry after the procedure.
Apply aloe vera gel several times during a day in order to boost the positive effects of the treatment.

7. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most popular natural deodorants. The juice of this plant can kill microorganisms which are irritating your skin and producing nasty odour.
There are several ways in which you can benefit from lemon properties. For example, put a swipe of a lemon on the skin of your armpits and leave it there for a few minutes. You can also make a solution of lemon juice and pure water in which you should soak a cotton ball. This ball can be placed on the affected area.
You can also use lemon as a natural deodorant in case you have found that the reason of your armpit rash is an allergy to antiperspirants.

8. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most popular natural beauty products used for various skin issues. You can benefit from its soothing and healing properties while suffering from armpit rash.
You should apply coconut oil directly on your skin or make a paste of this substance and baking soda in order to combine the benefits from both products.

9. Tea Tree Oil

It is common knowledge that tea tree oil is one of the best natural antiseptics. In point of fact, this substance can kill practically all types of microorganisms including fungi and yeasts which are causing armpit rash. In addition to it, this oil helps to dry the skin affected by this malaise which will lead to its healing.
Tea tree oil can be applied directly on the area affected by rash. Use a clean cotton ball for this purpose. Repeat the procedure several times a day and you will be able to get rid of this ailment quickly.

10. Potassium Alum

The next useful substance for treating your armpit rash is potassium alum. This product has strong antiseptic and astringent properties which will help you to keep the affected area dry and clean.
Purchase potassium alum in the form of powder and apply it on the clean and dry skin.

Tips and Prevention Measures

Obviously, it will be better for you to prevent armpit rash rather than try to get rid of it. You will see that the majority of the recommendations are the same as those given for treating armpit rash.

Resign from any Allergic Products

Actually, resigning from various types of products which can prove to be irritants for your skin is reasonable. It has already been said that you should be very careful while choosing deodorants, perfumes, antiperspirants, lotions, gel for depilating and many other products.
If you have noticed that you have a tendency to get allergic reactions, you should try any new beauty product on a little spot of your skin before you apply it on a bigger part of your body.
Having especially sensitive skin means that you should reconsider the procedures you are using for removing the hair from your underarms. Unfortunately, shaving damages your skin a lot. Therefore, you should try some alternative procedures in order to avoid side effects.

Don’t forget to apply moisturising lotions or oil mixtures after removing hair. This will help you to reduce possible irritation of your skin.
You should also pay your attention to the laundry detergents you are using since some of them (especially those with pleasant fragrances) can lead to allergic reactions.

Only Natural Fabrics

It has already been said that you should choose clothing made of solely natural fabrics. Of course, sometimes you can wear a dress produced of an artificial material. Still, do not do it on a daily basis especially when the weather is hot.
Learn to indicate the materials which will help you to avoid various skin problems such as allergies or infections.

Healthy Diet

The alteration of your diet will help you to prevent various skin infections. As you have already learnt, yeasts and fungi which are causing candidiasis can occur easily in people who eat too much sugary products. If the armpit rash you have had was the reason for such infections, you should be very attentive with your food.
Bring your awareness to the fact that sugary products are not exceptionally sweets or biscuits. It is important to resign from any beverages containing sugar. You should get rid of the habit of adding sugar to your tea or coffee as well. It is also crucial to cease drinking juices unless they are fresh. The majority of juices available on the market have a lot of sugar in them too.
In addition to it, it will be reasonable to stop eating many foods rich in carbohydrates. For example, choose the bread made of full grains instead of white bread.
You should also start eating more dairy products containing active cultures of probiotic bacteria. These bacteria are the main element of a strong immune system which is not susceptible to any infections.


You will hardly find such an illness which is not connected with your nervous system. Actually, being stressed for a long period of time can easily lead to various health issues. Armpit rash is one of the least serious of the malaises which can be caused by being stressed.
Your body becomes rather vulnerable to a great number of infections and other types of diseases if you are experiencing constant stress. Therefore, it will be extremely good for you to learn relaxation techniques and try to reduce stressing factors as far as it is possible.
One of the best way to relax is to perform yoga exercises. These movements will help you to escape from unpleasant thoughts and focus on your health. In addition to it, you will be able to control your weight and make your body stronger if performing yoga regularly.
Another good method which will be suitable for reducing stress is going for a walk on a daily basis.  Go out for 30 minutes, enjoy jogging and you will see great effects. Again, your body will become stronger and healthier whereas you will feel the boost of energy.


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