Thursday 1 June 2017

Evacuate Blind Pimples Fast From Your Face – Best Home Remedies For You.

How to Get Rid of a Blind Pimples FastNo matter how well you look after your skin, you might get a pimple from time to time. Every person has his or her own way of dealing with them, but things get more complicated when you get a blind pimple. It doesn’t point or points very slowly and it looks like a big pink or red bump.
It usually is more visible than a regular pimple because the skin around it is slightly swollen, so it’s difficult to cover it with make-up. On top of that, since it forms in deeper layers of the skin, it is closer to the nerves and may cause pain. Luckily, if you know some home remedies for blind pimples, you will be able to get rid of them in a quick and safe way.

These are Causes Of Blind Pimples

Even though some people might think that blind pimples result from wrong hygiene, it hardly ever is the case. Obviously, the skin that doesn’t get cleansed and exfoliated on a regular basis will be more prone to pimples but the occur whenever the sebum gets produced in excess amounts. This can be caused by hormonal changes, that is why teenagers and women just before the period have the highest tendency to getting blind pimples. If the excess of sebum cannot come out through the pores because they are blocked, it builds up under the skin surface and forms a bump.
Blind pimples take a lot more time than the regular ones in forming a point, so it’s more difficult to get rid of them and they might last for over a week if not treated properly. They usually occur on the nose, the forehead and behind the ears, as well as other parts of the face, which can make you want to squeeze them or poke them, but this should be the last thing you do since you increase the risk of infection. Read on to find out how to prevent blind pimples and how to deal with them once they occur.

These Is How To Prevent Blind Pimples

Skincare Routine
Your skin needs to be cleansed and exfoliated properly and regularly so that you prevent the pores from clogging. You might think that washing your face twice a day is enough, but it isn’t. The skin undergoes the regeneration process constantly and every day you have a certain amount of dead skin cells on your face. It is known that during the night the cells rejuvenate faster than during the day, which means that you need to remove the dead skin cells in the morning. After the whole day the skin is covered with make-up – if you wear it – and the impurities from the air.
Again, the skin needs a good cleansing. You should wash your face with warm water and a delicate gel designed for the face. It shouldn’t be too harsh since using it every day will dry your skin. The best idea is to use a very gentle product and cleanse the face with a special brush with sonic vibrations. The provide a much better cleansing than manual face brushes and there is no risk of damaging your skin by pressing too hard.
Exfoliate and Hydrate
In order to boost the rejuvenation process you should exfoliate your skin. The frequency of doing it should be adjusted to your skin type. If you have oily or mixed skin, you can exfoliate every two to three days. If you skin is dry, reduce the amount of exfoliation treatments to two a week only. It is also important to choose the right exfoliating product. You can either go for a mechanical exfoliator, like a facial scrub, or choose a more gentle, chemical peeling. Whatever product you choose, make sure it’s base on natural ingredients. Also, finish the exfoliating treatment with a nourishing mask or at least a good moisturiser. Remember that moisturising cream only locks in the water that you provide to your skin by drinking liquids. If you don’t hydrate your whole body, the moisturising cream won’t do the job on its own and you will have dry skin regardless of using it. Make sure you drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water every day. This will also help remove the toxins form your body, which will help maintain clean and pimple-free skin.
Diet and Sleep
Your lifestyle directly influences the condition of your skin. A good diet, enough sleep and reduced stress can be the solution to all your skin problems. Make sure you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Drink fresh juices, avoid sugar and processed food. It will not only make your skin look healthier, but will also have a beneficial influence on your metabolism and weight.
If you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t get enough time to regenerate the cells, including the ones of your skin. Every person has different needs when it comes to the amount of sleep, but on average we need between 7.5-9 hours of sleep to keep the body and mind in a good shape. Speaking of mind, the more stressed and worried you are, the more visible it is on your skin.

To avoid many stress-induces health problems, try not to expose yourself to very stressful situations, especially to the ones that cause prolonged stress. It’s virtually impossible to have a completely stress-free life, but you can try jogging, meditating or breathing exercises to relax your body and your mind.

These are Home Remedies For Blind Pimples

Regardless of how well you look after your skin, a blind pimple may surprise you from time to time. There’s not reason to panic as we’ve prepared for you a list of best home remedies for blind pimples. They will help you get rid of the unattractive, painful pimples in an efficient way that does not cause damage to your skin.
Hot and Cold Therapy
Before you can remove the pus from the pimple, it has to for a point. In order to accelerate that process, you should apply a warm compress on the affected area. Soak a clean, cotton cloth in hot water and press it for 5 minutes against the pimple. This will speed up the blood circulation in this area and will make the pimple form the point faster, Repeat this four to five times a day or until the point becomes visible.
To make a warm compress, you can also use black or green tea bags. The tannins from the tea prevent the infections from spreading across the skin.
If it happens that more areas on your face are affected by blind pimples, you can either put a larger compress on the whole face, or use a facial sauna to improve the blood circulation in the whole face.
If you notice the pimple in its early stage or if it bothers you because it’s painful, then applying ice might be very helpful. Ice reduces the swelling and can make the pimple less visible. It also soothes the pain. Just wrap an ice cube in a cotton cloth and apply it on the affected area for 10 minutes. Repeat the process 4 times a day for best results. Ice will not do a great job on the more developed pimples. In those cases it is better to use the heat therapy described above.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a very popular ingredient of cleansing and antibacterial facial care products. It’s because tea tree oil had strong antiseptic properties. You can use it locally, on the affected skin or mix it with your regular facial products as a means of prevention against pimples and skin infections.
Remember that tea tree oil on its own is harsh on the skin so it always has to be diluted, even if you use it only on one, specific pimple. For one part of tea tree oil use nine parts of water. If you have a very sensitive skin, you can also mix tea tree oil with aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball on the pimple and let it dry for 30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water and finish off with a moisturiser.
You can also use a more diluted mixture (in 1 to 15 proportion) as a rinse for your skin to finish off the evening cleansing routine. Dip a cotton ball in the solution and wipe it all over your face. Leave it on for the night and wash your face as usual. Make sure you observe how your skin reacts to the rinse because it might turn our that you need to add another part of water or aloe vera gel to the mixture is it’s still too harsh for your sensitive skin.
Apple and Honey
Honey is known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It also helps rejuvenate the skin and nourish it. The best thing about using honey in your facial treatment is that you can apply it directly on your skin so it’s not a time-consuming process at all. Once you apply the honey, leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Make sure you finish off the treatment with a moisturiser. Choose only organic honey as the market is full of honey mixes that don’t contain only natural ingredients.
Apple mixed with honey will boost the rejuvenation effect as it has lifting properties and is recommended mostly for the skin lacking elasticity. Cut an apple in four pieces and remove the seeds. Blend it or mash it do that you get a smooth pulp. Add a tablespoon of organic honey and apply the mixture on the skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water, then rinse again with cold water. After just one treatment you will notice that the whole face is refreshed.  For best results, repeat the treatment three times a week.
You can also apply the honey or apple and honey mix only locally, on the blind pimple. To boost the effect, repeat it 3 times a day until you see that the swelling is gone and the skin regained its natural colour.
White toothpaste contains mint or clove oil that reduce the swelling, alleviate the soreness and dry out the blind pimple. The application is very simple. You just need to put a small amount of toothpaste on the affected area and leave it on for 2 hours. Wash it off with lukewarm water and repeat the process 4 times a day. If you don’t have sensitive skin and you’ve testes the treatment during the day, you can also leave the toothpaste on overnight. It will boost the results, but make sure you do it only once you have checked that there was no allergic reaction after the day treatment.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice
Lemon juice works like a natural astringent and helps dry out the blind pimples. It is very effective and has become a common ingredient of various facial care products. It’s best if you use organic lemons for this treatment as the juice penetrates the skin quite well and it should be completely free of toxins. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, soak a cotton ball in it and press it against the pimple for 5 minutes.

You can also apply the juice on the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water and finish off with a moisturiser. You can repeat the process three times a day for two days. After that time, the pimple should be much less visible. Make sure you watch your skin reaction to the lemon juice as for some sensitive skins the lemon juice might be too harsh in case of a prolonged use.
Milk has been used as a beauty product for centuries and is now a popular ingredient of many face masks, creams and body lotions. Milk contains alpha hydroxy acids that help remove the outer layer of dead skin cells, which results in unclogging pores. Additionally, the skin treated with milk becomes smoother and softer and regains an even tone.
You can simply apply milk onto the blind pimple with a cotton ball soaked in milk. Leave it on fo 15-20 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Repeat the process 3-4 times a day or until the pimple forms a point and you will be able to remove the puss blocked inside.
Alternatively, you can apply the treatment to the whole face by soaking a clean muslin cloth in milk and placing it over your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash the face with lukewarm water. This will not only unclog the pores, but also leave your skin rejuvenated and smoother.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
If your skin is too sensitive for some of the above mentioned treatments, like the ones based on lemon juice or toothpaste, then aloe vera can be a perfect solution to your problem. Aloe vera has antibacterial and hydrating properties, thanks to which it can reduce the swelling, the redness and inflammation of the affected area. You can use an aloe vera gel or simply take a leaf of the plant, cut it in half and squeeze the pulp out.
Apply it with your finger or a cotton bud on the blind pimple and leave it on for at least 20 minutes. The treatment should be repeated two to three times a day for two days in order to achieve desired results. After that time, the pimple should become smaller and the redness should be much less visible. Aloe vera will also stimulate the rejuvenation process so the condition of the skin in the treated area will become much better.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Due to its antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar treatment is very effective when you have to deal with a blind pimple. It not only prevents the infection form spreading, but also improves the blood circulation and makes the pimple form the point much faster. Apple cider vinegar may be applied externally or internally. You can soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and press it against the blind pimple for 5 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process until the pimple forms the point.
Alternatively, you can drink a solution of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one glass of warm water. It’s best to drink a glass of this mixture before every meal. This improves the blood circulation, stimulates the rejuvenation of skin cells and prevents the existing infections from spreading any further.
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is another very effective product you can use as a home remedy for blind pimples. It stimulates the blood circulation, relieves inflammation, helps remove dead skin cells and accelerates the formation of the head of the pimple.
Boil half a cup of water and add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to it. Mix it until the salt dissolves completely. Put the solution aside and let it cool down to room temperature. Never apply hot Epsom salt solution directly on your skin as you can burn the epidermis. Once the mixture is cool enough to come in contact with your skin, dip a cotton ball in it and apply it on the blind pimple. Hold the cotton ball against the affected area for a minute and then let the solution dry naturally on your skin. Wash it off with lukewarm water. For best results, repeat the process two to three times a day, but be sure to check the reaction of your skin to the Epsom salt solution. If you notice it’s a bit too harsh on the affected area, discontinue its use or reduce the frequency of applications.
Alcohol is the most frequent substance we reach for when we need to disinfect something. If you get a blind pimple, rubbing alcohol on the affected area will help you stop the infection, remove the dead skin cells, improve the blood circulation and dry out the pus. Dip a cotton bud in rubbing alcohol and apply it onto the blind pimple. Leave it on for as long as you want. There is no need to wash it off. Repeat the process three to four times a day. After two days, the pimple should form a point, which will make it easy for you to remove the puss blocked under the skin. If your skin is not very sensitive, you can use alcohol as a means of prevention against pimples. Simply rub the face with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol two to three times a week. Make sure you finish the treatment off with a moisturizer as alcohol might make your skin quite dry.

Other Solutions To Get Rid Of Blind Pimples

If you don’t have time to apply any of the remedies described above, you can always reach for some over-the-counter products or speak with your dermatologist and ask him for a prescription-only cream.
If you choose an over-the-counter product, you should know what ingredients you must look for. The creams that contain benzoyl peroxide have antibacterial and exfoliating properties, so they will help you stop the inflammation, reduce the swelling and unblock the pores. Be careful when you use products containing benzoyl peroxide as it may bleach the clothes.
Salicylic acid and products that contain it also stimulate the exfoliation process and make it easier fro the pores to get unclogged and for the pus to come out. Salicylic acid is quite harsh on the skin so make sure you moisturize the treated area in order to avoid dry skin patches.
Some creams designed for people suffering from acne contain sulphur, which cleanses the skin, unblocks the pores and disinfects the pimple area. Bear in mind that products containing sulphur usually carry an unpleasant odor.
In case blind pimples keep coming back regardless of your appropriate facial care routine, you might want to see the doctor who will prescribe you some antibiotics or creams with a high level of retinoids. Remember that those creams make your skin photo-sensitive, which means that you should avoid sun exposure during the treatment and two weeks after you finish it. Otherwise, you will swap the blind pimples for dark patches on tour face.


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