Thursday 1 June 2017

Evacuate Stuffy Nose With Immediate Effect

How to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose Quickly: Best Home RemediesAre you tired of having a stuffy, runny nose? We all know that being congested can be a drag and also totally draining on our energy if we don’t quickly drain our nasal passages. Knowing why nasal passages get clogged is the first step in getting rid of a stuffy nose. When you understand why your nose is getting so clogged up, you can easily take preventative measures to ensure it doesn’t happen with such frequency. Once you understand the reasons behind a stuffy nose, the easier it will be to understand the best methods to quickly get rid of it.
A stuffy nose doesn’t have to interfere with the quality of your life. Getting to the bottom of the reason behind your congestion and stuffy, runny nose is the first step in much needed relief. Getting rid of a stuffy nose quickly is easy when you know what you’re up against and what works the best to keep it at bay.

Why Do I Have  a Stuffy Nose? 

As a rule, there are four common reasons for a stuffy nose. Highlighted below, they will help you better understand the reason behind your sniffles. When you know why, you will better know how to get rid of them quickly.

1. Allergies

One of the most common reasons behind a stuffy nose is due to the vast number of allergies that affect people all over the world. Allergies are a natural inflammatory response to some foreign object. Common allergens include dust, pollen, pet hair, and mold and can cause a stuffy nose, runny eyes, and be extremely uncomfortable. Allergens end up getting caught in the nose, eyes, mouth and ears, and in response the body releases histamines which cause the nasal passages, produce swelling, and in turn lead to a stuffy nose. Many people experience allergies when the seasons change, when they’re around cats or dog, or when they’re introduced to a dusty environment. Anyone who suffers from allergies, no matter what their cause, knows the trials of the stuffy nose that accompanies them.

2. Infection

Another really easy way to get a stuffy nose, and something we’re all familiar with, is from being sick. When we get an infection, like the common cold for instance, we usually end up with a stuffy nose. Most adults will be hit with the common cold 2-4 times a year, and unfortunately it’s just something that’s a part of life.
When the body is fighting a cold, it releases histamines, just as it does in response to allergens. The natural reaction of the body when histamines are introduced to the system is to increase blood flow to the nose, causing the nasal passages to swell. The result is…you guessed it! An annoying runny nose.
Oftentimes after a cold, people will suffer from a bacterial infection. Your nasal passages are actually a very popular breeding ground for bacteria and when you have a cold, they tend to thrive. When you have a bacterial infection in your nose, your runny mucus will go from clear to yellow or green. If this discolored snot doesn’t pass in a couple days, it would be wise to see a doctor as it could be a sign of a more serious condition such as pneumonia.

3. Inflamed Blood Vessels

When the blood vessels of the nose become inflamed it will, without a doubt, lead to a stuffy nose. Known as vasomotor rhinitis, inflamed blood vessels in the nose can be the result of a number of different causes. Stress is a huge one and will make you stuffier quicker than you can count to ten. Thyroid malfunction is another reason blood vessels in the nasal passages may become inflamed. Overusing decongestants will only give you more of the same.
When the blood vessels become inflamed they expand and leave you stuck with a stuffy nose. Vasomotor rhinitis is correctable in most cases; you’ve just got to eliminate the cause. In more severe cases when it is uncorrectable, people may suffer with chronic congestion and stuffy nose. Better to catch it before it gets to this stage if you don’t want to live with a stuffy nose for the rest of your life.

4. Abnormalities in Your Nose Structure

In some cases your stuffy nose could be caused by some kind of abnormality in the structure of your nose. This is more common than you might think, and people from all over the world often have some kind of deformity or impediment. Sometimes it’s just your luck of the draw and you get a bit of an abnormal nose. In some other instances you may have a deviated septum from some kind of an accident. If you’ve ever been punched in the nose, this might just be the reason behind your stuffiness.
Chronic congestion often happens in children. The reason behind this is what is known as adenoids, which are the lymph tissue behind the back of your throat and nose, may become enlarged in children. When this happens and they aren’t removed is when someone may end up with a chronic stuffy nose which is never any fun for anyone.

These are Quicken Solutions to Eradicate Stuffy Nose

1. Try Blowing Your Nose

Although people have argued about the effectiveness of blowing a stuffy nose to ease congestion, one thing is for sure. Blowing your nose sure does seem to offer some much needed temporary relief. When blowing your nose however, you want to beware. Depending on the reason for your stuffy nose, you could really be making things a lot worse.
If you’ve got a stuffy nose because you caught a cold, you might find that blowing it will give you temporary relief while your symptoms run their course. Blowing your nose will cause significant pressure on the nasal passages, so you don’t want to make it a habit. Also because of this pressure, blowing your nose if you’ve got a deviated septum can cause more damage and should be avoided at all costs. Blowing your nose will help, but you need to proceed with caution.

2. Take A Hot Shower

Sometimes taking a steaming hot shower is what you need to open up your nasal passages and relieve the pressure of a stuffy nose. Using this method feels amazing when you’ve got a cold or allergies and will do a lot to ease the pressure you’re feeling.
To use this easy method that will help to quickly get rid of a stuffy nose, run the water in your shower as hot as you can stand and get in there for at least ten or fifteen minutes. Take this time to breathe in and out deeply, inhaling and exhaling as fully as you can until you feel your nose start to clear up. This easy remedy will quickly get rid of a stuffed up nose and leave you feeling fresh and clear at the same time.

3. Give Yourself a Steam Treatment

Giving yourself a steam treatment is another way to pamper yourself when your nose won’t stop running. Not only does a steam treatment work great for a stuffy nose, but will also do wonders for your skin. You might want to consider adding some eucalyptus essential oils to the hot water to really clear things up quickly.
To give yourself a steam treatment so you can quickly get rid of a stuffy nose, bring a pot of hot water to a boil over the stove. Carefully pour this water into a bowl on a table and sit in front of it with a towel draped over your head. Add your essential oil or even a bag of chamomile or green tea and put your head over the bowl and cover yourself in with the towel. Sit and capture the steam as long as it stays hot while breathing as deeply as you can. Your stuffy nose will go away and you’ll be left clear and much more comfortable. Do this as many times a day as you need until symptoms improve.

4. Use a Neti Pot

Using a neti pot to relieve a stuffy nose quickly actually looks a lot more difficult than it really is. Not only is a neti pot easy to use, but is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment that dates back thousands of years. There’s a reason the use of a neti pot has withstood the test of time. It works, and it works well.
A neti pot works by flushing out the excess mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passages. Although all neti pots will come with specific directions, following are some general guidelines on how to use this very effective Eastern remedy.
To use a neti pot, tilt your head so it comes to rest at a 45 degree angle. Next, bring the tip of the neti pot to the nostril on top. The idea is for the saline solution to travel up one side of your nasal passageway and come out the other side. You may find that the solution drips into your mouth. Don’t be alarmed, all you need to do is simply spit it out. When you are done with one side of your nose, repeat the whole process on the opposite side. Symptoms should quickly improve and using a neti pot can be done daily until your runny nose is but a distant memory.

5. Apply External Heat

Another great solution to get rid of a stuffy nose is by applying external heat. When you apply external heat it will loosen up the mucus and get it moving out of your nose quickly. To use this effective method for getting rid of a stuffy nose in a hurry, simply heat up a reusable heating pad, such as a rice or bean bag. These can easily be heated up in the microwave in about one minute. After you heat your pad up, apply it to your nose and let it sit until the heating pad has cooled down. To speed things up even more, drink a cup of hot water or herbal tea while the heat pad is on your nose. For some reason this works and will help get rid of your stuffy nose in no time at all.

6. Massage Your Sinuses

Oftentimes when we’re sick it makes us so tired that we can’t even fathom getting up and preparing any sort of remedy for a stuffy nose. Bed is usually the best remedy, and while you’re getting the rest you need you might to think about giving your sinuses a good, old-fashioned massage. Putting pressure on the right places is sure to give you some relief and you don’t need to exert much effort at all.
To give yourself a sinus massage, take both of your index fingers and place them just above the nose, beneath the brow on either side of the eye cavity. Start massaging the outside of the nose in outward circles for about 30 seconds. Next, take both of your fingers and place them just beneath the eyes on the outside. Using outward circles once again, continue to massage this area for another 30 seconds. Lastly, take your thumbs and place them gently on your cheekbones. Massage in an outward circle for another 30 seconds. You should feel immediate relief after this round of sinus massages, and you won’t even have to leave your bed.

7. Rethink Your Diet

When our sinuses are acting up and we’ve got a stuffy nose due to whatever reason, it is wise to think about the foods you are feeding yourself. If your stuffy nose and sinus issues are caused by an infection like the common cold, you’ll want to do your best to keep your diet moderate and avoid some certain things that are a trigger for the build-up of more mucus. Foods to stay away from include:
• Dairy Products (Cheese, Milk, Yogurt)
• Eggs
• Chocolate
• Fried and Processed Foods
• Sugar
• Bread and other Foods Made with Flour
Staying away from these foods when you’ve got a stuffy nose is super important, as is knowing the right foods to eat to make you feel better. If you’ve got a stuffy nose that is from an infection make sure to get plenty of healthy foods that will kick-start your immune system and make you feel better in no time. Some of these foods include:
• Lentils
• Whole Grains
• Beans
• Garlic
• Soups (Non-Cream Based)
• Lightly Cooked Vegetables
The next time you’ve got a stuffy nose, rethinking your diet may be the first place you’d like to start. Healing your body from the inside out with good, wholesome nutrition is apt to help you get rid of a stuffy nose quickly and give your body the energy it needs to fight infection.

8. Get a Humidifier

Choosing to use a humidifier when you’ve got a stuffy nose can help your symptoms tremendously, especially if you happen to live in a drier climate. When you live in a place where the air is dry, it makes it hard for the mucus in your nose to properly flush its way out. A humidifier will help bring back necessary moisture to the air which will in turn help to get the mucus effectively moved through your sinuses.
Cool-air humidifiers save energy and work as well as warm-air humidifiers. A warm-air humidifier will work too, and if you don’t have one it is easy to fashion one yourself at home. All you need to do is bring a pot of water to a boil and then set it on a heat-safe surface somewhere close to you. The warm steam from the boiling water will add significant moisture content to the air around you.
A word of advice when using a humidifier to clear up a stuffy nose. The overuse of a humidifier can actually make things worse. Don’t get your room so humid that it feels like you’re in a sauna. Having too much moisture in the room may cause respiratory problems. If you’re going to use a humidifier to relieve your stuffy nose, just make sure you do it correctly.

9. Use Eucalyptus Oil

If you’ve got a stuffy nose, or suffer from a chronic stuffy nose, eucalyptus oil just may become your new best friend. There are many ways you can use this essential oil to clear up your sinuses, and it will offer very quick relief. There is nothing quite as soothing as eucalyptus oil for a stuffy nose and the sooner you try any of the following methods, the sooner you’ll find the relief you’re looking for.
Using eucalyptus oil in a facial steam is one of the easiest and most effective methods you can try. To use this simple remedy, after you have boiled your pot of water for your facial steam, add about 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water. Cover your head with a towel and steam as you normally would. The eucalyptus oil will clear things up in your sinuses quicker than you can imagine.
You can also use a eucalyptus oil swab that you stick directly into your nasal cavity. To use this easy home remedy for quickly getting rid of a stuffy nose, place about 5 teaspoons of olive oil in a small bowl. Add 5 drops of pure eucalyptus essential oil and mix well. Next, take a tissue and roll it up and dip one end into your mixture. Place this directly into the side of your nose that is stuffy and leave it there for about 2 hours before bed each night. If both sides of your nostrils are stuffy, place the tissue on both sides.
You can also place a glass of the oil next to your bed while you sleep at night. An essential oil diffuser will also work and help to quickly relieve your stuffy nose and the sinus pressure associated with it.

10. Drink Hot Water, Lemon, and Honey Tea

Staying hydrated is essential in getting rid of the infection that often results in a runny nose. A tea made of hot water, lemon, and honey is one of the best stuffy nose relievers there is and should seriously be taken into consideration if you’re looking to quickly get rid of a stuffy nose. To make this simple tea just boil a cup of water, add the juice from one fresh lemon, and mix in two tablespoons of honey. Drink this up as many times a day as you’d like to get rid of your stuffy nose and help you feel better.

11. Eat Spicy Foods

Eating plenty of spicy foods is a one-way ticket away from a stuffy nose. Spicy foods will help clear out your sinuses quicker than almost anything and should be considered the next time you want to get rid of your stuffy nose quickly. A great remedy for nasal drainage is to eat a teaspoon full of raw, crushed horseradish mixed with a bit of lemon. You can also add wasabi to anything to get things cleared out of your nose in a hurry. Other spicy foods to include in your diet include cayenne pepper, garlic, and onion.

12. Purchase a Decongestant

If all else fails, you can always go to the drug store or pharmacy and purchase an over-the-counter decongestant. They will help get rid of a stuffy nose in a hurry, but are by no means natural nor will they treat your cold or allergies. The active ingredient that helps to clear up your stuffy nose symptoms is called pseudoephedrine, or sometimes the active ingredient will be called phenylephrine.
Keep in mind that while this while purchasing a decongestant will work to get rid of your runny nose, it shouldn’t be used for more than three days. Some people experience adverse reactions to them, and if used for prolonged periods of time they may cause more decongestion than you started with.
If you’ve got a stuffy nose and you want to get rid of it quickly, any of these methods will work like a charm. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush your system of any toxins that have invaded your body. If your stuffy nose doesn’t go away within a week or so, you may want to seek the advice of a doctor.


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