Thursday 1 June 2017

See This: These are The Best 8 Ways to Get Rid of Dizziness In a Jiffy


8 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Dizziness Fast and NaturallyHits of dizziness is a rather common health condition which can be particularly unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. You will find in the current article some essential information about the major causes of this sensation, the ways you can cope with it and prevent light-headedness in the feature.

Check Out These Frequent Causes of Dizziness On Face

Speaking about dizziness it is important to emphasise the fact that this term is used for describing various symptoms such as feeling weak, lightheaded, nauseas, unsteady or faint.
This symptom can occur as a result of various illnesses as well as quite normal health conditions which are not necessarily serious. It is highly recommended to read about the most frequent reasons for dizziness in order to understand in which way you can treat it.

Drug Side Effects

One of the most popular culprit of dizziness is a side effect of a particular drug. If you are attentive while reading the instructions to various medications, you have definitely learnt about the possibility of feeling lightheaded after taking some of them. This point is emphasised in the majority of instructions as a person experiencing dizziness can’t drive a car.
You will see that many sedatives, tranquilizers, blood pressure medications, anti-depressants, diuretics as well as strong painkillers can entail this unpleasant sensation. In addition to it, sometimes it is rather difficult to figure out which particular drug causes dizziness especially if you are taking several medicines at the same time.

Cold and Flu Symptoms

Not everyone knows about the fact that dizziness can be caused by the infections which are connected with such illnesses as flue and a cold. Usually, the sensation is the result of an excessive amount of mucous and other fluids in your sinuses.
In such a situation, it is advisable to treat your disease and do everything in order to get rid of mucus. For instance, you can use Neti pot or special medications for this purpose.

Drinking Too Little Water

You have certainly heard about the necessity of drinking a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis. Still, you may do not know about the real reasons for this need. Unfortunately, drinking too little water causes poor blood circulation in your body which can lead to various unpleasant sensations with migraines and dizziness among them.
Luckily, if the reason for your light-headedness is the lack of water, you can improve the situation without any difficulties.

General Exhaustion and Stress

Obviously, one of the simplest reason for feeling dizzy is being tired. This state can be caused both by physical and intellectual work. Working during the night is especially difficult for your organism, therefore you should have a good sleep every night.
Stress is a factor which can lead to immediate reactions such as dizziness, syndrome of irritate bowel or rash as well as to developing of some serious diseases. The second situation can take place if one is constantly living under the pressure without a possibility of relaxing and having a rest.

Blood Pressure

Another health issue which usually causes the sensation of dizziness is problems with blood pressure. Pay your attention to the fact that both hypotension (low blood pressure) and hypertension (high blood pressure) can be culprits of your unpleasant feelings. It is also important to emphasise that hypertension is a more dangerous health condition which can lead to serious consequences.

Problems with Sugar

Experiencing problems with the level of sugar in your blood can lead to dizziness as well. Bring your awareness to the fact that this health condition is typical for both a low level of sugar, which is called hypoglycaemia, and a high one, called hyperglycaemia.
You should also remember that it can be normal to experience a short-term increase in the level of sugar because of consuming an excessive amount of refined sugars.

Inner Ear Conditions

You may be surprised to learn that ears in some situations can be blamed for the feeling of dizziness.
In point of fact, there is a balance mechanism in an inner ear which helps to maintain a vestibular system. A person with a poor vestibular system is prone to being lightheaded during the flights, voyages or travelling by car. People who spend a lot of time in their cars are training their vestibular systems all the time reducing the possibility of feeling dizzy.
Still, there are various illnesses and disorders which can lead to the problems with inner ears. For instance, vertigo is one of the most common states which means that a person is experiencing dizziness while moving one’s head.
Sometimes, an infection can get into the inner ear causing the condition called labyrinthitis. Another popular health issue is Meniere’s disease which occurs when the fluid builds up in the ear.
You will need to visit a special doctor in order to be able to address one of these problems.

Problems with Spinal Joints

There are people who are suffering from light-headedness because of the problems with the upper part of your neck. In such a situation, it will be important to visit such specialists as a chiropractor or an osteopath who can perform a special massage on your neck called a spinal adjustment.

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Other possible causes of dizziness are syncope, an anxiety disorder, circulatory issues and heart rhythm problems.

How to Overcome a Boot of Dizziness

Before you will be able to get appropriate treatment for your particular health issue, it is very important to be able to overcome a boot of dizziness. In order to do it, you should know about several simple steps.

Change Your Position

First of all, you should change your position. If you have an opportunity, you should lie down. Otherwise, you should sit down. This is extremely important for reducing spinning sensations and avoiding falling down.
If you have to sit, it will be better for you to place your head between your legs which will increase the flow of the blood to the brain. You should remain in such a position for several minutes until your dizziness passes.

Drink and Eat

As you have just learn, a very common cause of light-headedness is insufficient drinking. In order to get rid of an unpleasant feeling, you should drink a lot of water. You can also drink tea or juice.
Although dizziness can appear with the feeling of nausea, it is still important for you to eat something as your condition may be connected with the decrease of the sugar level in your blood. The best option is a quick snack rich in sugar. For instance, you can eat a chocolate bar or banana.

Focusing on a Spot

It is important to understand that the dizziness usually means that your body feels that you are moving, although you are lying or sitting. Therefore, you should find a spot on the floor or ceiling and try to look exclusively on this one. It will help your brain to understand that your body is not in motion.
Don’t forget about avoidance of bright light. Bright light can aggravate your condition.

Deep Breathing

You have already learnt that dizziness can be entailed by an anxiety attack. In such a situation, it is recommended to breathe deeply and slowly rather than making short and frequent gasps of air. Such breathing exercises are good for calming down which will reduce the dizzy spells.

The Epley Manoeuver

The Epley Manoeuver is good for people who are experiencing dizziness because of the vertigo or other problems with their inner ear.
You will need to sit down first. Then, you should tilt the head for approximately 45 degrees. The movement should be horizontal and be done towards your affected ear. Then you will need to lie. The head should be hanging in the same position as previously. Stay in this position for at least a minute.
Then you will need to turn your head towards your healthy ear (90 degrees). Lie on the side of the healthy ear and look at the floor.
Now you can return slowly to a sitting position.

These are The Best 8 Ways to Get Rid of Dizziness In a Jiffy

Now you have learnt several tricks which should be done in order to get rid of dizziness. Still, it is obvious that these methods won’t treat the underlying heath issue and you will need other remedies to address the problem. Let’s look through the 8 ways which can help you to forget about feeling lightheaded.

1. Iron

Sometimes dizziness can be a signal of anaemia which is an iron deficiency. If you are also experiencing tiredness, headaches or shortness of breath, there is a high possibility that you have developed anaemia.
It is important to visit your doctor before you start taking any supplements since an excessive amount of iron in your organism can also be a serious problem. Your blood can become rather thick which can lead to the blockage in your veins.
In addition to it, a doctor will help you to understand the real reason for your anaemia. For instance, it can be caused by the inability of your organism to extract iron from the food you are consuming, a diet deficient in iron or any kind of bleeding. Thus, be attentive in order not to entail some further health issues.

2. Ginger

Ginger is one of the best remedies for repeated dizzy spells. If you are suffering from these sensations, you should definitely try to use extremely valuable properties of ginger.
You can be sure about the benefits as there are scientific proofs of these properties of ginger. The plant will help you to get better blood circulation in your brain which will help you to protect yourself from dizziness.
You can consume ginger in various ways. For instance, you can purchase a plant and eat several slices during a day or add them into your tea. You can also prepare apple juice with ginger. Additionally, you can consume ginger with special supplements or candies.

3. Gingko Biloba

Another way to boost the circulation of the blood in your head is to consume gingko biloba. This plant is particularly good for treating the problems of your inner ear.

4. Celery

Celery is a good plant for increasing your blood pressure in case you are feeling dizzy because of hypotension. The best way to benefit from this plant is to prepare a fresh juice. Alternatively, you can purchase ready celery juice

5. Feverfew

You should also try feverfew in case you are feeling light-headedness because of the inflammation in the inner ear. This plant can improve the blood circulation reducing unpleasant sensations. In addition to it, you will be able to get rid of migraines.
You can purchase feverfew in the form of liquid extract, tablets or capsules.

6. Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

If you experience dizziness on a regular basis, it will be good for you to drink the mixture of two teaspoons of honey, two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a glass of water. You can choose both hot and cold water according to your preferences.
This liquid will help you to equalise the blood pressure in your body which will decrease the dizzy spells.

7. A Sport Drink

You have already learnt about the connection between insufficient drinking and dizziness. In order to address the problem, you should drink approximately 8 glasses of water daily. Still, some factors can lead to the dehydration of your organism which can be rather severe. For instance, repeated diarrhoea or vomiting can be a reason for the loss of a great amount of liquids.
In such a situation, you will need to take electrolytes. A good idea will be to consume sport drinks which are rich in some important substances. Suffering from the conditions described above can lead to the removal of the substances with liquids from your body. Thus, you will be able to rehydrate more quickly than in the case of drinking pure water.
Don’t allow your body to dehydrate since it can lead to hyperthermia (overheating). Drink more during hot days or while exercising intensely. Pay your attention to the fact that sugary drinks, alcohol, tea or coffee can dehydrate your organism even more.

8. Adopt Some Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques is a crucial point for people who are suffering from anxiety disorders. You have already learnt that anxiety is one of the most common reasons for dizziness. Therefore, in case your own unpleasant sensations are connected with this particular condition, it is extremely important to learn several relaxation techniques.
One of the best ways to relax is to perform mild exercises combined with breathing activities. You can find both of these aspects in yoga. Practicing yoga exercises will help you to learn how to cope with your anxiety. In addition to it, you will be able to strengthen your body.

Tips and Preventive Measures

There are several tips which can help healthy people to avoid developing health conditions which can cause dizzy spells. Furthermore, many people who have already developed such problems, will find here recommendations on the avoidance of unpleasant sensations.

Move Slowly

The majority of people can feel light-headedness and nausea after getting up too rapidly. These feelings are entailed by the changes of blood pressure in your head. Therefore, it is important to move slowly when you need to change the position of your head. The same thing is true when you need to raise something from the ground.
It may be useful for you to learn to get up in stages in the morning which will help you to gain appropriate blood circulation before you feel dizziness.

Provide a Dizzy Diary

If you are prone to have dizzy spells, it can be useful for you to provide a dizzy diary which can help to understand the real culprit of this health condition. It is obvious that this symptom can indicate a great number of diseases, therefore you can help your doctor to understand the reason for your unpleasant sensation more quickly by observing the symptoms.
For instance, you may notice feeling nausea and light-headedness when you do not eat for a longer period of time. This can be a signal of having a low level of sugar in your blood. Another example is a hit of dizziness after drinking a coffee which can indicate hypertension.

Take Care of the Blood Circulation

If you have a tendency to feel dizziness, you shouldn’t use any substances which can affect the circulation of your blood. It means that you will need to avoid alcohol, nicotine, caffeine as well some drugs. Of course, pay attention to the side effects of the drugs you are going to take in order not to aggravate your health condition.

Get More Sleep

Anyone can develop the feeling if light-headedness in case of sleep deprivation. If you do not sleep for enough time, you are likely to develop various problems such as chronic pain, chronic anxiety, over-medication, emotional or psychological trauma, excessive caffeine use, restless legs syndrome as well as heavy snoring and narcolepsy.

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You should try to manage your time in such a way as to have an opportunity to get a good sleep on a daily basis. Do not think that long sleeping during weekends will resolve this problem. Your body needs a good rest regularly.
If you have problems with falling asleep, it will be good for you to try some special herbs such as peppermint or camomile. You can also try to take magnesium in order to relax your muscles. Obviously, in case you are consuming products with caffeine before going to bed, you will definitely experience problems with falling asleep.

Environment Adaptation

Unfortunately, there are situations when even the most skilled doctors have problems with treating their patients with chronic sensations of dizziness. If you are a person who has the same problem, you should alternate your life style in such a way as to reduce the possibilities of failing because of light-headedness.
First of all, it will be better for you resign from high-heeled shoes which can make it difficult for your brain to understand your real position. As far as you have learnt from the current article, this comprehension is an essential aspect which can prevent dizziness. You brain should be aware of your movements all the time.
In addition to it, it will be useful to change several things in your place of living. For instance, you shouldn’t decorate your home place with too thick carpets as they can also distract your brain and give false signals.
Moreover, you should avoid some dangerous things at home which can lead to severe injuries in case you fall because of light-headedness. For instance, it is essential to have special anti-slippery coverings in your bathroom. You should tuck away electrical wires which you have at home too.

Avoid Head Trauma

If you are lucky to be healthy and not be suffering from dizzy spells, it is especially important to protect yourself from the possibilities of the development of this health issue. You have already learnt that appropriate hydration as well as relaxation and sufficient sleeping are crucial preventive measures of this problem. Still, you should pay your attention on the chance of getting dizziness because of a head trauma.
Unfortunately, there are many ways one can be hit to the head. Sometimes the most careful people fail to avoid such possibilities. Yet, it is common knowledge that some kinds of sport are rather dangerous for your head. For instance, you should pay your attention on such activities as football, hockey, rugby, bungee jumping and boxing.
Of course, it is highly recommendable to avoid any fights which are not necessarily appearing for the sake of sport competition. In addition to it, you should wear your seat belt any time you are driving. It is also advisable to resign from the participation in the activities which make your head bounce.
Unfortunately, brain contusions can be cumulative which means that they may become more severe with each injury.


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