Thursday 1 June 2017

Follow These 10 awesome Tips to Get Rid of Forehead Acne Before The Next Morning.


10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Forehead Acne OvernightAcne on the forehead is quite a common problem of people at different ages. Red bumps and pimples never look attractive and people with acne often have lower self-esteem. Fortunately, you don’t have to lock yourself at home because of acne forehead as there are various solutions to get rid of it fast.

What Do You Think Can Causes of Acne on Your Forehead

It doesn’t really matter if acne is on your forehead or any other part of your face or body as it is usually caused by the same factor, which is oil known as sebum.
If sebum is produced in normal amounts it has positive influence on our skin as is moisturizes and protects it. Sebum makes its way to the skin surface through pores, which are small holes.
Sometimes, however, the excessive production of sebum occurs and the oil, dead skin cells, and dirt clog your skin pores. It leads to the growth of bacteria inside, which we can see on our face in the form of acne.
There are various factors which may lead to the improper production of oil. The most common are hormones imbalance, some medicines, and too much stress in everyday life.
The first breakout of hormones often starts in the period of puberty. It’s the time when the level of hormones increases and sebum is produced in greater amounts. Acne during puberty often occurs on the forehead.
Pay attention to your hair and hair products as they are the common culprits of acne on the forehead. If you wash your hair too rarely or the hair which touches your forehead is often oily, you may end up with acne on your forehead.
Some hair products might be blameful too, especially those which are intended for dry hair often contain such ingredients as cocoa butter or coconut oil and they can make your forehead more oily. If hair products are the main cause of acne is known as pomade acne.
If you have sensitive skin, your makeup cosmetics might cause acne on your forehead. Also, don’t touch your face as bacteria from your fingers may be carried into your pores.

These are 10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Forehead Acne Before The Next Day

When dealing with acne you can try various home remedies or over-the-counter medicines. If your acne is really severe and home methods don’t work, your dermatologist may offer you some medical treatments.

1.     Make Use Of The Egg whites To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

A very cheap and effective method of reducing forehead acne is preparing an egg white mask. Egg whites will add some colors to your complexion and will make your skin firm and toned. To intensify the beneficial effect of the mask, add to it some lemon juice or honey.
Whip three egg whites in a bowl, but do it thoroughly as they must be foamy. Optionally add one tablespoon of honey or fresh lemon juice. Mix the ingredients.
Clean your face and your hands with a mild soap and apply the mask on your face, omitting mouth, nose, and eyes. Leave it for about 15 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Now apply a moisturizing cream on your face. Make the mask in the evening and you should see the difference in the morning.

2.     Make Use Of Essential Oils To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Essential oils are widely used for skin in Asia, however, recently they have earned recognition in western countries too. Essential oils have wonderful qualities as the can eliminate bacteria, act as antioxidants, and perfectly moisturize the skin.
Just pour a few drops of an essential oil into a cotton pad or a cotton ball and gently massage it into the forehead or other areas of your skin which are affected with acne. If you have sensitive skin, mix the essential oil with some carrier oil, such as coconut, jojoba, or olive oil.
You can either leave the oil so that your skin will absorb it or wash it off with water. Essential oils which are believed to successfully fight forehead acne are rosemary oil, tea tree oil, oregano oil, bergamot oil, or lavender oil.

3.     Make Use Of Apple Cider Vinegar To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

You can easily prepare a natural toner from apple cider vinegar, which will reduce acne quickly and prepare your skin to other beauty treatments. All you need to do is pour one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into two cups of water.
Apply the toner with a cotton pad or cotton ball twice a day. If your skin is sensitive, the mixture might irritate your skin. In such a case use a larger amount of water. If you use the toner regularly, you should reduce the forehead acne fast.

4.     Make Use Of A Steam Treatment To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Steaming is an easy and inexpensive way to open up your pores and clean them from all the dirt and bacteria. Fill a bowl with very hot water and put it on a table. Optionally, add a few drops of some essential oil to the water.

Lean over the water with your head covered with a towel. Stay over the steam for about 15 minutes. However, be careful not to burn your face. When you dry your face, it would be perfect if you applied an exfoliator or a mask on your face.

5.     Make Use Of Lemon juice To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Lemon juice can be an effective remedy to the forehead acne as it has wonderful antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Additionally, lemon juice is a natural bleacher which can make your dark spots or acne scar less visible.
Use fresh lemon juice as a natural toner to clean your skin in the morning and in the evening. Apply it with a cotton pad or cotton ball just before you apply your anti-acne cream. Lemon juice, however, may irritate your skin if it’s sensitive. In such a case just mix the juice with a small amount of water.

6.     Make Use Of Garlic To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Garlic is a powerful and natural antibiotic with amazing antibacterial and antiviral properties. Thus, it may appear to be a perfect solution to acne on the forehead.
Just grind two or three garlic cloves and apply the mash on your forehead. Leave it for about 15 minutes and after that time wash it off with warm water. Keep in mind, though, that garlic has quite an intense smell so use a garlic mask in the evening.
The pimples should disappear from your forehead during the night. However, remember to moisturize your skin after washing off the garlic mask.

7.   Make Use Of Baking Soda To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Due to its cleansing qualities baking soda can be a cheap and easy remedy to oily skin, large pores, and blackheads on the forehead.
You can prepare a baking soda mask by adding to it just a few drops of water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on your forehead or other areas of your skin affected with acne. Leave it till it dries and wash it off with warm water. Do it on a regular basis, however, you should see the difference after the first application already.

8.     Make Use Of Milk To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Even the Egyptian ruler, Cleopatra had already known ages ago that it’s worth taking a bath in milk. In order to treat the forehead acne you don’t need the whole bath of milk, a glass will be just enough. Optionally, squeeze a lime into it.
Use the mixture to wash your face every day and you will quickly eliminate pimples, the blackheads will disappear and you skin will be wonderfully moisturized.

9.     Make Use Of Coriander Juice To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Coriander juice is a rich source of vitamins B, K, C, and A. It also contains a few beneficial phytonutrients and antioxidants. When used externally, coriander juice may perfectly soothe irritated and dry skin.
Mix coriander juice with a small amount of mint juice and turmeric powder to get a thick paste. Apply it on your forehead in the evening and leave it until it dries. Wash it off with warm water and rub a moisturizer into your skin. You should see in the morning that the forehead acne reduced.

10.  Make Use Of Over-the-Counter Products To Get Rid Of Forehead acne

Apart from natural, home remedies it’s also worth trying some over-the-counter medicines, which may turn out to be very effective in fighting the forehead acne off.
One of the most popular substances used to treat acne is benzoyl peroxide. It has the ability to clean your pores from excessive sebum and dead skin. Moreover, benzoyl peroxide can also kill the bacteria, which cause acne.
There are different concentrations available, ranging from 2.5% to 10%. The higher percentage, the stronger the effect. Start with the lower concentrations, though, as benzoyl peroxide may dry or irritate the skin. Thus, the first applications may cause burning or redness so it’s recommended to apply a moisturizer on it.
If there are big, red pimples on your forehead, try to treat them with salicylic acid as it will quickly dry them and they will disappear faster. It usually has between 0.5% to 5% concentration of the acid.
However, be careful when using salicylic acid as it is quite a strong substance, which may cause some skin irritations. Always apply just a little of it and only to areas affected with acne. Don’t use it near your mouth, nostrils, or eyes.
Another substance which may effectively eliminate big, single pimples is lactic or glycolic acid. It quickly dries and peels the bumps on your forehead as well as it cures skin inflammation. Start with lower percentage, though.

Get Rid of Forehead Acne Through Diet 

It sometimes happens that acne appears due to bad dietary habits. Introduce some changes into your daily diet and you can get rid of forehead acne permanently.
The first thing you should cut off is sugar as acne is a bacterial condition and bacteria love sugar. There have been scientific studies which proved that the less sugar in your diet, the milder acne on your skin.

Additionally, it has been proved that people suffering from acne should consume plenty of so called low-glycemic index foods (Low-Gl foods) as due to the fact that they slow down sugar release into blood, they may reduce the forehead acne and other types of acne.
Therefore, you should include in your daily diet a lot of vegetables and most fruit as mango, pineapple, banana, or figs contain quite a high level of sugar. For sure, you should also eat nuts, whole grains, such as brown rice, whole grain pasta, and barley.
If you eat bread, go for the whole grains ones, don’t avoid natural muesli, oats, legumes, or beans. When choosing yogurt, the healthiest option will be a natural one, but you can always mix it with fresh fruit.
Dairy might also be a possible culprit of forehead acne as some people appear to be sensitive to it. Therefore, it’s worth reducing dairy products for a few weeks and see if it has caused some positive difference in the condition of your skin.
Vitamins A and D are also crucial if you want to enjoy beautiful, healthy skin free of acne. They regulate the level of sebum on our skin as well as they have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamins A and D are also natural antioxidants so you should provide your organism with large amounts of these powerful compounds.
You will find a lot of vitamin A in vegetables, such as sweet potato, spinach, broccoli, carrots, or pumpkin. Fruit is also a rich source of the vitamin, especially mango, apricot, and cantaloupe. Fish, meat and legumes also contain vitamin A.
Vitamin D are mainly found in fish, such as salmon, mackerel, or salmon. Oysters, mushrooms and eggs are also sources of this compound. However, vitamin D is best produced and absorbed when it comes from natural sunlight.
Therefore, you should spend around 15 minutes in the fresh air every day, without any sunscreen. During the seasons when there is less sunlight, you should supplement vitamin D with tablets.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential when we want to get rid of forehead acne as they control the sebum production. You will find them in nuts and seeds, such as chia seeds, walnuts or butternuts. Consume plenty of fish and fish oils, especially mackerel, salmon, sardines, and whitefish. Eat one avocado a day as well.
Zinc is important too as it helps to maintain a healthy immune system. You will find it in beef, lamb, dark chocolate, pork, oysters, and mushrooms. It’s worth supplementing it for some time too. However, it’s not healthy to consume too much zinc as it lead to diarrhea, headaches, nausea, or vomiting.

Make Sure You Take Care of Your Skin Every Day

You must be aware that skin affected with acne requires thorough care on a daily basis as it can guarantee the reduction and prevention of forehead acne.
The first golden rule is too gently wash your face with delicate soap intended for acne type of skin twice a day. Also, wash your face after doing sports or other activities which caused sweating. While washing your face do it with circular movements to improve the blood circulation.
Don’t wash your face too often, though, as the result might be the opposite to the desired one.
Use a face scrub to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. This method will deeply clean your skin and unclog the pores. However, while scrubbing your skin, be very gentle as otherwise you can irritate your skin.
People who deal with acne often try to cover unattractive bumps with makeup, but it’s not such a good idea as makeup cosmetics tend to irritate your skin and clog the pores.
Even so called hypoallergenic products often contain a lot of oils, grease, and chemicals. Therefore, use makeup only occasionally and always remove it before going to bed.
There are various cleansers available on the market, but make sure you choose a gentle one and labeled as non-comedogenic. It means that the product won’t cause further pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads. The most popular non-comedogenic brands are Cetaphil, Olay, Aveeno, or Neutrogena.
Other effective cleansers are those which contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids. Remember, though, to use them gently, without scrubbing your face as it can cause further damage and irritation. What’s more, it can also spread the acne all over your face.
A popular myth about acne type of skin is that it’s already oily so it doesn’t need moisturizing. In fact, the opposite is the truth as your skin produces too much sebum because it’s too dry. Therefore, it’s extremely important to moisturize your skin with oils on a daily basis.
The oil you choose should be non-comedogenic as only then it won’t clog your pores. You can go for almond oil, avocado oil, castor oil, olive oil, or sesame oil. Just take a few drops of a chosen oil and gently massage it into your forehead or other areas affected with acne. You can either leave it so that your skin will absorb it or you can wash it off with warm water.

These are How to Prevent Forehead Acne

Once you’ve dealt with forehead acne, it doesn’t mean that’s the end of your struggle as unfortunately acne likes to come back. However, there are some measures you can take in order to prevent or reduce it.

Remember to always have clean hair as if it’s oily, it will carry the oil and dirt to your forehead. It happens especially if you have hair which constantly touches your forehead. Thus, wash your hair often.
People who struggle with acne tend to touch their forehead all the time. However, it doesn’t help, but it can actually make your acne even worse. Every time you touch your face, you carry the bacteria and dirt from your hands to your skin. If you just can’t resist, at least wash your hands as often as it’s possible.
Don’t wear hats or bangs as they might be the source of bacteria that lead to acne. If you are really keen on head coverings, clean them regularly.
A very common cause of acne on the forehead, which we are not aware of, is a dirty pillowcase. Your skin just absorb from it all the dirt and oil while you sleep. Therefore, change a pillowcase at least once a week to get rid of or prevent forehead acne.
Don’t pop pimples on the forehead or on other areas of your skin. It’s just an impression that it helps. Actually, it makes the problem of acne even worse. When you pick at pimple, you introduce the impurities from your hands into your skin and that means you may end up with an infection. Also, it can take more time to cure and a permanent scar may be left.

When Is The actual Time For You to See a Doctor

If your acne is really severe, nothing seems to work on it and you feel great discomfort because of that, you should go to a dermatologist immediately.
Your doctor can offer you some stronger acne medications, which need a prescription. They are mainly antibiotics, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, oral contraceptives, or anti-androgen agents. Some of these solutions are in form of a cream and some in form of pills.
If you are persistent and you take the medications the exact way the doctor told you, the effects may be very positive, fast, and permanent.
Your dermatologist may also recommend you non-drug treatments, for instance chemical peels or lasers. There turn out to be very effective in many cases of very severe acne.
You shouldn’t postpone your visit to a doctor as acne doesn’t have to be the only cause of bumps on your forehead. Anther skin condition which may be mistakes with acne is rosacea, which apart from pimples also causes redness and skin discomfort.
Contact dermatitis may be the culprit too if you are allergic to some cosmetics or laundry detergent.
Boils, on the other hand, are painful bumps which grow out of hair follicles, which are infected.
If you’ve noticed pimples around a cut or scrape, you may suffer from a condition known as cellulitis.
The right diagnosis is the key to fast recovery. Therefore, go to your doctor to get the best possible treatment and enjoy a beautiful, smooth forehead without acne.


Author: verified_user