Thursday 1 June 2017

Evacuate Chiggers Bite on Your Skin With Ease

How to Get Rid of Chiggers on Skin - First Aid After Chigger BiteIf you ever noticed some suspicious-looking bites all over your body after you spent a relaxing day in the forest or at a lakeside, you may have been wondering where those bites came from. Chances are that you got chiggers bite, which can be much more annoying, widespread and itchy than mosquito bites. Learn how to tell the difference between chigger bites and other insects bites in order to know how to react in case it happens again and how to prevent chigger bites so that they don’t spoil your weekend in the nature.

What Do We Understand By Chiggers?

Chiggers are the juvenile form of mites. They belong to the family of Trombiculidae and are very common in fields with tall grass, in gardens, parks, forests and the areas around lakes and rivers. They like humid environment so they choose the lower plants that are close to the ground. Chiggers are very small and it is practically impossible to see them with the naked eye. That’s why it’s more difficult to protect the skin from their bites, unlike in the case of mosquitoes. Since the average size of a chigger – which looks like a tiny spider – is 1/50th of an inch, you would need a magnifying glass to see it. When they cluster in groups, you can see them as small, red bumps on the laves and branches of the plants.

When, Where And How Do Chiggers Bite Human Being?

Chiggers can attach themselves to your skin and clothes when you walk through a field of tall grass or when you have some contact with infested vegetables. At the beginning, chiggers usually get stuck to the clothes and then move on to look for thin skin, which is their optimal feeding area. It might take them between 3 to 6 hours to find the perfect spot on your body as they are not able to cut through the thick skin.
Therefore, chigger bites usually occur on the neck, around the wrists and ankles, in the armpits, the crotch and groin area, behind the knees and on the inner part of forearms and elbows. Unlike mosquitoes, which normally bite the exposed areas of the skin, chiggers migrate around the body in the search for the appropriate place. If you notice bites on the skin that wasn’t uncovered when you were in the nature, it is hardly possible that they came from mosquitoes. These are most probably chiggers bite.
Once chiggers find the skin area that they can cut through with their feeding structures, they inject enzymes that damage the skin tissue. In the places where they manage to do it, you can notice some skin hardening, which is caused by the formation of a feeding tube called stylostome. Chiggers begin the feast and of course, the human skin is the main dish. It is in this moment that you can start noticing an increasing sensation of itching.

Signs Of Chiggers Bite In Human

The enzymes that the chiggers inject into your skin cause pronounced itching, which becomes worse and worse with time. The skin in the bite spot gets red and sometimes slightly swollen. These symptoms become even more noticeable once you start scratching your skin, which is quite difficult to resist. The itching sensation is the worst at the very beginning and over the first two to three days, but it can take up to three weeks to fully heal the skin after the chiggers bite. The central part of the bite has a characteristic bright, red dot, which is the start of the stylostome created by the chigger. In the majority of the chigger bite cases, the skin has multiple bites in the same area or in various zones. Due to this fact, it can sometimes be mistaken for a contact allergy reaction or eczema.
Luckily, chiggers don’t feed on the blood, only on the human skin and they haven’t been reported to carry or transmit diseases. The only danger that chigger bites may pose is the skin infection resulting from excessive scratching.

Solutions Or First Aid For Chigger Bites

The treatment of chigger bites is focused on relieving the itching sensation, preventing skin infections and speeding up the skin healing process. The chiggers, unlike ticks, don’t attach themselves strongly to the skin and they are easy to remove from the skin surface, contrary to the popular belief that chiggers burrow into the skin and remain in its deeper layers. Here’s a list of quick methods that will bring you a relief when you have chigger bites.

Hot Shower or Bath

Hot Shower or Bath
The first thing you should do when you discover a chigger bite on your skin is to take a hot shower. Take a bath sponge or glove, apply some shower gel or exfoliator on it and rub the entire body in order to remove any chiggers you might have on your skin. Remember to wash the whole body well rather than just the areas with the bites. Remember that chiggers migrate and it takes time before you notice their presence and the bites, so you might have the chiggers not only where you already have the itching sensation, but also in some other vulnerable zones. Give special attention to the ankles, wrists, forearms, the back of the knees, the crotch and the armpits. You can finish the shower off with cold water, which will bring instant relief from itching.

Don’t Scratch

It’s easier said than done, but you shouldn’t scratch the chigger bites. The itching sensation indeed causes a major discomfort, but while the bite itself doesn’t pose any danger to your health, the scratched and damaged skin does. It can get infected easily and it will be like an open door to your skin for bacteria and viruses. If you can’t help scratching, cut your nails really short to at least reduce the damage to your skin.

Ice Pack

Ice Pack
If the itching sensation is unbearable and you need a fast relief, you can apply some ice on the skin with chigger bites. Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a clean cloth. Press it against the itchy skin and hold it until you feel that the itching has gone. You might have to repeat it quite often on the first day so better have some ice at hand. Using ice will help you handle the itching sensation during the first two or three days when the sensation is the strongest and this way you won’t scratch and hurt the skin so much.

Vicks Vaporub

Menthol, one of the main ingredients in Vicks Vaporub alleviates the itching sensation and the pain caused by chigger bites. You can apply it directly on the bites, covering each spot with a thin layer of the ointment. If you want to get an extra antiseptic benefit from this treatment, add some salt to Vick Vaporub before you apply it. Mix the two ingredients and apply on the bites. Leave it on for as long as you can and obviously don’t scratch these areas, otherwise, you will remove the healing ointment. Repeat this process every few hours. It will also help you get a better sleep as you won’t feel so tempted to scratch the skin and you will be able to get some good rest at night.

Salt Wash

If you have the bites in places, where the ointment wouldn’t stay anyway, like behind the knees when you have to wear long trousers, you can do a salt wash of the area with bites. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in half a cup of water, dip a cotton ball in the solution and dab it onto every bite. This way you will prevent the bacteria from developing an infection in the skin damaged by bites. To get some relief from itching, you can use the active ingredients of Vicks Vaporub – menthol oil – on its own. Soak a cotton bud in it and apply a small amount of the oil on each bite. Leave it on to dry for five minutes before you put on your clothes.


Aspirin has strong anti-inflammatory properties and by applying it on your skin, you will prevent the bacteria from spreading in the wound caused by the chigger bites. This will also give you some relief from the itching. Take three to four aspirin tablets and grind them into a powder. Add a few drops of water and mix the ingredients so that they turn into a smooth paste. You can use mortar and pestle or simply crush the tablets between two tablespoons. Apply the paste on the bites and leave it to work for at least 15 minutes.
You can repeat the procedure every day for the first week after the bite. The more often you do it, the faster the skin will heal. Also, aspirin will help you remove the redness and regain even skin tone in the bites area, which is especially important when you have the marks in some exposed places on the skin, like neck or forearms.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda
Baking soda helps the skin regain the right pH balance and gives a major relief from the itching sensation. It also has antibacterial properties and gives your damaged skin extra protection. Put some baking soda into a small bowl and add a few drops of water tom make a paste. Wash the skin affected by the chigger bites, dry it with a towel and apply the paste on every bite mark. Leave it on for minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water. You can repeat the process three times a day at the beginning, then reduce it to one application a day. Baking soda additionally acts as a gentle exfoliator and stimulates the skin regeneration processes so the more often you do this treatment, the faster your skin will heal.


Applying some alcohol on the chigger bites brings you versatile benefits. Alcohol has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces the swelling and redness, as well as gives a relief from the itching. Use rubbing alcohol for this purpose or reach for unflavoured and unsweetened alcohol. Soak a cotton ball with it and apply it on every bite. There is no need to wash it off. Repeat the process three to four times a day, using a clean cotton ball every time. Some people have very sensitive skin and alcohol may cause its dryness or irritation. In that case, discontinue the treatment and switch to antibacterial ointments.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
You can get some quick relief from itching if you apply apple cider vinegar on the chigger bites. You should do it as soon as you notice the first symptoms of redness and itching, This way you will stop the inflammation from developing and your skin won’t get very red and swollen. Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on all the bites. If you have sensitive skin or if the skin is damaged in the bites area, due to scratching, you can dilute the vinegar in water, in one to one proportion. Apply apple cider vinegar t the chigger bites two to three times a day until the itching sensation is gone.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has strong antibacterial properties and can give you a fast relief from itching when you get chigger bites. Remember, however, that tea tree oil is very strong and should not be applied undiluted on the skin. Take one teaspoon of tea tree oil and one teaspoon of olive oil or jojoba oil. Mix them in a small bowl and apply on the bite marks on your skin. You can wash it off after half an hour, but it’s not necessary. Diluted tea tree oil is safe to be left on the skin for a longer period of time.


Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric makes a very efficient remedy in the treatment of chigger bites. Take half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with a few drops of water. Once the two ingredients turn into a paste, apply it on the bites and leave on until the paste gets dry. Wash it off with lukewarm or cold water. Repeat the process two to three times a day to prevent itching, swelling and inflammation in the bites area.

Ammonia Solution

This might be a method that’s quite harsh on the sensitive skin, but if you don’t have any other anti-bacterial product at home and you are looking for a quick relief from the itching caused by chiggers bite. Find a household product that contains ammonia, for example, a window cleaner and dilute a tablespoon of the liquid with a tablespoon of water. Apply it on the skin affected by the bites. You will feel an instant relief from the itching. In fact, ammonia is one of the most powerful ingredients used in after-bite creams, sprays and lotions, so it’s safe to use on the skin, but in the right combination. Use the household products with ammonia in the treatment of bites only as an emergency. They are effective, but they can cause serious skin irritation when used repeatedly.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
The first symptoms of chigger bites, like itching and swelling, might be too strong for aloe vera to reduce, but you can use aloe vera gel as an addition to the alcohol, baking soda or aspirin treatment. Aloe vera gel helps reduce the swelling and speeds up the healing of the skin. It also gives some relief from the itching. Take an aloe vera leaf, break it or cut it and squeeze the gel out. Apply it on the bites three to four times a day.

Tea Bags

Tea Bags
Tea contains tannic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply it on the chigger bites to get a quick relief from the itching and to prevent the swelling. Take two or three tea bags (enough to cover the area with bites) and pour some hot water over it. Leave the bags to cool down. You can put them in the fridge for half an hour to take advantage of the low temperature during the treatment. Place the tea bags over the skin affected by chigger bites and leave it on for 15 minutes or until they get warm. If you repeat this process three times a day, you will help the skin heal faster and your skin won’t develop red marks, which often happens after this kind of bites.


If you have a mouthwash that contains menthol, you can use it to get a quick relief from the itching sensation. Simply dip a cotton ball in the liquid and apply it to the bites. Repeat the process several times a day. Alternatively, you can use pure menthol oil to get the same, or even stronger, results.

Over-the-Counter Ointments

If you want to reach for an over-the-counter product to get some relief from the pain and itching caused by chigger bites, look for products that contain calamine lotion and corticosteroids. Follow the instructions on the leaflet that you will get with the product. Normally the ointments that contain calamine lotion and corticosteroids should be applied three to four times a day and they have really versatile properties, from being anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral, to giving an instant relief from the itching sensation and helping the skin regenerate faster.

Over-the-Counter Medicines

The chigger bites can evoke an allergic reaction, with the symptoms of swelling and redness on the skin. If you want to reduce those symptoms, you can reach for some antihistamines, for example diphenhydramine. Basic antihistamine medicines are available without prescription and if you spend a lot of time in the nature and are exposed to various bites, it’s a good idea to have some at home in order to be able to react fast when the need comes.

How To Prevent Chigger Bites

If you don’t want to experience the discomfort and itching caused by chigger bites, try to protect your body every time you are in a situation with increased probability of contact with the chiggers, like when you go to the park, the forest or spend some time at the lakeside.

Shower and Wash Your clothes

Just after you come back home from a nice trip to the forest, take off your clothes and take a hot shower. Rub the whole body with a sponge and use a shower gel. This way you will get rid of any chiggers that may have attached to your skin. Remember that they need a few hours before they bite so if you remove them from your body before they find the perfect spot, you are safe. Also, wash the clothes that you wore when you were outside. Some chiggers may be sitting on them and even if you take a shower, the can migrate on your body from your top, jacket or trousers.

Wear the Right Clothing

You can protect your skin by wearing the right clothing when you are outside. Choose long sleeve tops and long trousers rather than shorts and T-shirts. If possible, wear tops and trouser with welts and tuck your trousers into your boots to make it more difficult for the chiggers to get through the clothes barrier and onto your skin. You might not look the most fashionable, but you will protect yourself well from the annoying chigger bites that cause a major discomfort and can quickly spoil the weekend in the nature.

Use a Repellent

When you plan to spend more time outside, apply some repellent on your skin. Various repellents are available in pharmacies and every product designed to protect you from mosquitoes will repel the chiggers, too. It only takes a few minutes to spray the exposed skin with an insect repellent and it can give you an effective protection from the chiggers for hours.


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