Thursday 1 June 2017

Checkout These Home Remedies: Do You Want To Make Your Nose Looks Smaller?

How to Make Your Nose Look Smaller - Best Home RemediesIf we are not satisfied with our body, we can work on it and constantly improve it. We can change the shape of our arms, hips, or buttocks. But what if we are not happy with the way out face looks?
One of the elements of the face that people are often unsatisfied with is their nose. It is a very distinctive feature of every human being despite the fact that we often take it from the family members. Many people believe that their nose is too big and would like to change it.

If you are one of those people who have low self-esteem due to a large nose, there is good news for you. You don’t have to save money for surgical reduction of your nose as there are many simple ways and clever techniques which will make your nose look smaller.
Most of them are just easy makeup or hairstyle tricks that will draw attention to different aspects of your face. However, you will also learn that it’s possible to do exercises which may actually change the shape of your nose.

1.     Do Makeup

Good makeup is probably the most common way of creating an impression that your nose looks smaller. For sure, it requires some time and skills to do perfect makeup, but the effects might be really impressive.
The first rule is to recognize worth of skillful highlighting and contouring. If you apply makeup which is a little bit darker or lighter than the natural tone of your skin, your nose will seem to look smaller.
It doesn’t really matter if you choose powder or cream makeup, however, powder is probably a better option for beginners as it’s easier to operate and the blend is smoother.
You can either go for a matte eye shadow or try a special makeup for contouring and highlighting. Don’t use anything shimmer, though, as it will only make your skin look shiny.
While buying a shadow, make sure that it’s two or three tones darker than the natural shade of your skin. However, when you choose a highlighter, the opposite rule applies as it should be two or three tones lighter than the natural shade of your skin.
Additionally, pay attention to the undertone of your skin as it can be in a warmer, more yellow shade or it can be cooler, in the shade of pink. Thus, contouring and highlighting shadows must match your skin undertone too. Otherwise, it will create the unnatural impression.
To apply makeup perfectly you need the right accessories and brushes too. If you mainly use powders, go for a soft-bristled brush. If you are more keen on creams, buy a brush with stiff bristles.
An angled brush, on the other hand, is the best option for the shadow and highlighter application as it’s simple to operate. If you want to blend two shades together, try a blending brush, which is soft. Alternatively, you can also use a blending sponge, which some people find easier to operate.
Always start applying makeup with a primer and foundation. The primer will make your pores less visible while the foundation will be a good base for the contouring makeup as well as it will blend better with the tone of your skin.
You can apply the primer with your fingers, but use a brush or a makeup sponge to put the foundation. The key rule when choosing the foundation is that it should match your face tone perfectly. Don’t check the color of foundation on your wrist or hand, as many people tend to do, as they are a completely different tone than your face.
The next step is to apply the highlighter. Draw a thin line down the center of the nose with the use of an angled brush. Do it thoroughly as if the line is too thick, it will create the impression that your nose is wider. Start drawing the line from the top of your nose and proceed down to the nose tip.
Now, you need to blend the highlight with your skin and soften it a little bit. Take a blending brush or sponge and just brush it down the middle of your nose, to both sides of the highlight line. This process will give dimension to your face as well as it lifts the face up.
If you feel that your nose is too wide, you can optically slim it by the use of a shadow. Pick the angled brush and draw the shadow, starting from the inner corners of your eyes and ending with the nose tip. Blend the shadow, using a blending brush, upward towards the highlight. When you think that your nostrils are too wide, put the shadow to the sides of your nose too.
If your nose is too long and you want to make it look shorter, apply the shadow under the tip of your nose. First draw the shadow down both sides of your nose and then move under the tip of your nose.

Remember that when your nose is bulbous or it’s wider at the bottom, you should draw the shadow starting with the inner corners of your eyes and moving towards the nose tip. Curve the lines under the tip in such a way that they are in a shape of letter “u”.
A crooked nose may also look straighter by drawing the shadows down both sides of your nose. Begin from the inner corners of your eyes and end at the tip of your nose. Don’t follow the contour of your nose, but draw the lines which are as straight as possible.
Now swirl a soft blending brush around all the points in which you added the shadow. If any harsh lines appear, the swirling will soften them and your work will be perfectly blended.
The last step is dusting a setting powder around your nose and the rest of the face with a big, fluffy powder brush. Thank to this technique, your makeup won’t shift and your skin won’t look oily. Remember, though, that the setting powder must match your skin tone perfectly. Also, don’t use powders which shimmer.
Don’t panic if you put too much powder on your nose. Just gently dust it off using a clean brush.
Perfect makeup is not an easy skill therefore your first attempts may not be as successful as you would expect. Remember, however, that practice makes perfect so after a few times applying perfect makeup will take you just a few minutes and you will be happy to see that your nose looks much smaller.

2.    Do Nose exercises Everyday

It may sound surprising, but you can actually change the shape of your nose by doing particular exercises on a regular basis.
If you want to change the shape of your nose, you need to try a simple breathing exercise. Press the both sides of your nose with your index fingers and breathe out strongly, don’t exaggerate, though. To get even better results put some pressure on the bottom of the both sides of your nostrils. An additional benefit of this exercise is that it may limit and prevent the sagging of your nose.
You can also try an exercise which, if used regularly, may shorten your nose a little bit. Put the index finger on the tip of your nose and gently press it. At the same time apply the pressure on the finger with your nose.
Do the exercise as often as you can and you should see the difference after some time. This wonderful exercise will not only make your nose look shorter, but it can also slow down the aging process of the nose bones, muscles, and cartilages.
If your aim is to straighten your nose a little bit, you just need to smile and at the same time push your nose upwards using your fingers. This simple exercise will strengthen the muscles on the sides of your nose, but you need to follow it at least 20 times a day for better results.
Breathing exercises, which originate from yoga practice, may bring great results too. Sitting in a comfortable position, block one of your nostrils and inhale through the other one, holding for around four seconds. Now, blocking the other nostril, breathe out the moment you free the nostril which was blocked first.
For visible results you should do at least three sets of the exercise with ten repetitions for each nostril. Deep breathing is a wonderful exercise nor only for your nose shape, but also for the whole of your body.
Another great exercise is known as nose wiggling. It will strengthen the muscles of your nose, which will give your nose a sharper look.
The exercise is very simple as you only have to wiggle your nose and at the same time keep your face as still as it’s possible. For spectacular results do the exercise at least a few times a day.
You can also narrow and shape your nose by massaging it. This solution may be helpful if you suffer from different kinds of headaches too.
Massage your nose with a circular move, starting from the bridge, then the tip and finish with both sides. Five minutes of the nose massage every day is just enough to shape it.
So called smile lines or nasolabial folds also may be problematic as the older we are, the deeper they get, which often looks unattractive. Fortunately, there is an easy exercise which will help you to reduce them.
Just fill the mouth with air and move it in all directions. Remember to hold for a few seconds in each area of your mouth. Now, you can breathe the air out. It’s enough to do the exercise once a day to reduce the smile lines.
There is a possibility to shape your nose the way you want by squeezing it. It is possible since the nose cartilages are quite soft and therefore might be shaped to some extent.

All you need to do is hold your nose in a desired shape for around two minutes a few times a day. Follow the technique until you notice some positive results.
All the above exercises belong to face yoga method. They are reported to be very effective in nose shaping. However, you need to be patient and do the exercises thoroughly and regularly, which should not be challenging as they take no longer than five minutes.
Remember also that when you deal with the area of your nose, try to relax the rest of your face. Avoid wrinkling your forehead while doing the exercises. It’s good to take the photos of your nose before you start regular exercising and then observe the results after a few weeks or months.

3.     Focusing on Different Elements of Your Face

If you don’t like the way your nose looks, try to highlight other aspects of your face as people won’t pay attention to your nose then.
Once again, good makeup might be the key to success here. The easiest thing you can do is to apply on your lips a lipstick, which is in bright or bold colors. Use a lip liner to frame your lips and then apply the lipstick.
There is also a rule which says that if you want to draw attention from the center of your face, you shouldn’t put heavy makeup on your eyes. You should rather choose neutral colors for your eyes.
If there are shadows under your eyes, cover them with a concealer, which matches the color of your skin. When you blend the concealer, move towards the cheeks.
Your hairstyle matters too. If you don’t want people to look at your nose, try draw their attention to curly, messy, and in general, big hair. Also, don’t part your hair in the middle of your head as it highlights the central part of your face. Try side parts instead and add some extra volume to the hair that is in the back of your head.
Similarly, avoid hairstyles which draw attention to your nose or which make your nose look larger, such as sleek and straight hair as well as tight ponytails or straight-across cuts.
It’s also important to choose right accessories which will draw attention from your nose. It can be either a sparkling necklace or some big earrings. A hat is a good option too and if you wear glasses, choose the ones with larger frames as they will optically dwarf your nose.

4.     These are Other Ways to Make Your Nose Look Smaller

The three methods described above are probably the most effective, however, there are some different solutions which are worth trying too.
You may not know that there are special nose shaping products available in shops or online. Just follow the instruction and shape your nose the way you want. These products are usually safe and cheap, and there are some positive opinions about them.
It may sound surprising, but ginger might help you shape your nose in a desired way. It’s possible because ginger has the ability to reduce fat. Therefore, if you get rid of the fat around your nose, it will look smaller. This solution will be useful only if your nose looks fatty, though.
Prepare some ginger powder and a little amount of water. Mix the ingredients so that they form a thick paste. Put the mixture on the areas of your nose which, in your opinion, require reducing.
You may feel a little discomfort or pain after the application, but try to keep the paste for a few minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Follow the procedure every day and you should see the difference after a few weeks.
For some people applying ginger powder is too painful. In this case, you can go for essential oils instead as they can reduce the fat around your nose too.
You just need a few drops each of Cedar, Cypress, and Grapewood oils. Mix the oils and gently rub them into the areas of your skin that you want to reduce. It will not only help you make your nose look smaller, but your skin will become smooth too. Do it every day to get the best results.
It is believed that putting ice on your nose may reduce your nose a little bit as well. Wrap some ice cubes in a soft cloth and put it on your nose. Hold the ice for around ten minutes. This technique may be especially useful with noses that look swollen. You should see the results if you do it three times a day.

5.     Plastic Surgery

It is the most extreme solution to your problems with your nose, however, it is also the most effective one as a surgery won’t just create the impression that your nose looks smaller, but it will actually change your nose permanently.
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A surgical shaping of your nose, known also as rhinoplasty, can change the width of your nose and nostrils. It can be a solution to any humps or dips as well as it can eliminate crooked or asymmetrical noses. What’s more it is also a solution to upturned, hooked, or bulbous nose tips.
One of the most important things is to find a licensed and experienced doctor, who will know how to improve your appearance. Also, if you don’t want to be disappointed with the result, state your expectations clearly and explain exactly to your doctor what type of nose you want to achieve.
You must be aware, though, that rhinoplasty is a serious operation that is run under general or local anesthesia. It takes about two hours. Before the doctor agrees to perform an operation, he will review your medical history and the conditions you suffer from.
Remember also that every surgery is potentially risky and it applies to plastic surgeries too. The most common problems are allergies to medications or anesthesia, breathing difficulties, excessive bleeding or bruising or sometimes a patient gets an infection.
Probably you will be allowed to go home on a day of operation or the following day. However, don’t forget that after the operation there is also a process of recovery, which might take even a few weeks. For sure, you will be absent from work for at least two weeks. You may experience some unpleasant symptoms during the recovery process, such as swelling, puffiness, or bruising.
After the surgery you may also experience strong pain, which will require using prescribed painkillers. Additionally, you will probably need to wear a special nose splint, which looks like a bandage or a big pad. You should keep it for at least a week.
It happens rarely, but some scars might be visible. It happens especially when large nostrils are narrowed and then some tiny scars at the base of the nose may appear. What’s more, you may end up with small, red spots on your nose as a result of blood vessels that may burst during the operation.

Check Out These Additional Comments

A plastic surgery should always be a last resort for you and go for it only if you are 100% sure that this is exactly what you want. Be aware, though, that there are some people who are not satisfied with their new nose and you must also realize that the change in your look might be quite dramatic so people who know you for sure will notice that you had your nose done.
Before you decide to get your nose done, try non-invasive methods first. Good makeup, nice accessories and the right hairstyle can really work miracles. You must also remember that plastic surgeries are extremely costly while home solutions are inexpensive and safe.
You should never get low self-esteem only because your nose isn’t perfect. Accepting yourself just the way you are is probably the best solution for you. No one has the right to judge you by your appearance and if there are some people who do so, simply try to avoid them or just don’t bother with their opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I can't find grapewood oil. Do you know what I can use instead to make nose smaller?
