Thursday 1 June 2017

Check Out These 10 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cystic Acne Very Fast


Many10 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cystic Acne Fast people around the world are suffering from such an unpleasant skin issue as cystic acne.
This condition is the most severe type of acne one can develop. Not only does it look rather unattractive, cystic acne usually leaves rather deep scars which are as much unappealing as cystic acne itself.
One of the most common reason for the occurrence of this ailment is hormonal imbalance. In addition to it, a poor diet, negative habits and stress can lead to this problem. Unfortunately, cystic acne is hereditary which means that having a relative with acne increases the risks of developing this malaise.

Check Out These 10 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cystic Acne Very Fast

Although there are many modern methods available for treating cystic acne as well as the scars left by this malaise, you may find out that there is a great number of various side effects. Unfortunately, some of these effects can be so serious that can easily make you resign from applying these remedies.
In addition to it, the majority of these options can’t guarantee you a high possibility of getting healthy skin after the use of them. The uncertainty being coupled with dangerous side effects means that you should try some natural remedies before you decide to check some harsh drugs or therapies.
Let’s look through the list of the most effective natural remedies used for getting rid of cystic acne in your home.

1. Aloe Vera Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

Of course, speaking about any skin issues, one should mention aloe Vera which is a perfect remedy for various ailments.
In the case of the struggle with cystic acne, aloe Vera proves to be a perfect product for reducing inflammation and swelling. As usually, you will need to use aloe Vera gel for your beauty procedure.
You should cut a leaf of the plant and get the gel out of it. The gel should be applied directly on the affected skin. In addition to it, you can use the substance internally.

2. Egg Whites Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

Another particularly good substance for your cystic acne is riboflavin. Riboflavin can be found in egg whites which means that you should definitely try to make a special mask of this product.
Just spread egg whites on the affected area or entire face and leave it there for at least 10 minutes. You can rinse off the substance with lukewarm water afterwards.

3. Baking Soda Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

Baking soda is a product which can be used for the exfoliation of the affected skin as well as for killing the microorganisms causing your skin problems.
You will need to take a tablespoon of soda and add a bit of water to it. Mix the substances and apply the product on the affected area. You can also add a bit of sea salt to the mixture. This mask can be left on your skin for at least half an hour.
Don’t forget to rinse the substance of your skin afterwards.

4. Honey Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

There is no doubt that honey is one of the most common product used for beauty problems. Although it is used in the majority of situations because of its moisturising and nourishing effects, it is important to pay your attention to the fact that it is also an extremely good antiseptic substance. Thus, you should benefit from its properties while struggling with your cystic acne.
Honey can be applied directly on your skin and left on it for at least 15 minutes. Then, it can be cleansed with lukewarm water.

5. Tea Tree Oil Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

You have probably noticed that there is a great number of cosmetics containing tea tree oil which are dedicated to oily skin. There is nothing strange about it as this oil is one of the best remedies for various skin malaises such as excessive production of sebum as well cystic acne.
You can prepare a mixture of 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of tea tree oil. The mixture can be applied on the affected area of your skin with the help of a cotton pad. You can leave the mixture for 10 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.
In some particular situation it may be reasonable to apply the oil directly on the most damages parts of your skin.

6. Toothpaste Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

It may seem strange but tooth paste is specifically useful product for anyone who is trying to get rid of cystic acne fast. The major positive quality of this substance is the fluoride toothpaste contains,. Fluoride is rather harmful for bacteria. In addition to it, many kinds of toothpaste have some other antimicrobial ingredients which are added in order to prevent various teeth problem.
You can benefit from the simplest toothpaste available on the market. Just take a bit of this product and place it on the parts of your skin which have been affected by cystic acne. You can leave the paste for 20 minutes. Don’t forget to rinse it off afterwards in order to avoid skin irritation.

7. Raw Potatoes Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

Raw potatoes are also a very good beauty product which can help you to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. First of all, it is highly absorbent which means that you will be able to get rid of various impurities quite easily with the help of this product.

Furthermore, you will be surprised to learn that raw potatoes are extremely rich in Vitamin C. As far as you know, this Vitamin helps to heal various skin damages and boosts the immune system. Therefore, applying potatoes for your skin issue will help you to get rid of bacteria, redness and inflammation
What can you do with potatoes? For instance, try to prepare a special mask from these vegetables. You will need to blend several pieces of a potato in order to get a pasty consistence. Then, you should apply this mask on the affected area of your skin. You can leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
Alternatively, you can spread the juice of a potato on your skin by applying the pieces of this vegetable on your face. In this case, you can also leave a potato on your skin for 10 minutes.
It is advisable to repeat this procedure twice a day.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular products used for various skin malaises. You can apply it effectively for your problems with cystic acne as well.
One of the ways you can use this substance is to prepare a mild solution of apple cider vinegar and water and rinse your face with it. Leave the liquid on your skin for several minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. This procedure is especially advised for people who have rather advanced skin damages.
Another option is applying the vinegar directly on the affected spots of your skin. You can leave the vinegar on these parts of your face for the whole night. Don’t forget to rinse it off your face the next morning.

9. Steam Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

You can use steam in your beauty practices in order to get rid of your acne quickly. In addition to it, you can successfully prevent the new ones from their appearance since steam makes your pores to open which entails going out of all the impurities without any physical force. This is one of the gentlest ways for purifying your skin.
You will need to prepare hot water and pour it into a bowl. Wipe your hair into a towel in order to protect it and lean near the water. Get the steam for at least 3 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times a week in order not to have further skin issues.

10. Coconut Oil Is Very Effective For Cystic acne

Coconut Oil is one of the natural products which has antibacterial properties. As cystic acne is the result of the activity of some bacteria, it will be extremely good for you to use this product.
You can apply coconut oil on the affected area of your skin and massage it into the skin layers. Leave the substance on your face for several minutes until the oil dries. Then you will need to rinse it with water. Repeat the procedure in order to get better results.

Some Other Natural Remedies for Treating Your Cystic Acne

These were some of the most popular ideas for treating this skin malaise with natural products. Still, you can find a great deal of other interesting products and procedures which can help you in your battle. Look through this list for further information.

Make Use Of Ice Pack

Law temperatures can do wonders for any kind of acne. It reduces the redness, irritations as well as swelling and helps to make your pores smaller and less pronounced. You will be also able to uproot the oil which has been aggregated in your skin.
The appliance of ice on your face is extremely simple. Just take the ice and wrap it into a piece of clean and soft fabric. Place this compress on the affected area and hold it there for as long as you want. It will be good to repeat this procedure daily in order to boost the positive results.

Make Use Of Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a source of vitamin C which helps to reduce redness and inflammation of acne as well as dry them and support the healing process. In addition to it, the acidity of lemon is very good for the bleaching the scars and dark spots which are left by cystic acne.
Obviously, you will need to use exclusively fresh lemon juice for your beauty procedures. The first option for applying the substance on your skin is soaking a cotton ball and rubbing the affected area with it.
Alternatively, you can mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. This mask can be applied on your acne overnight. You will need to wash your face with cool water in the morning.

Make Use Of Garlic

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the strongest natural disinfectors is garlic. It can kill practically all kinds of infections which can be found on your skin. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. In addition to it, garlic is rich in sulphur which can quickly dry your acne reducing its inflammation.  Thus, why not to use this plant for treating cystic acne?
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You can cut a clove of garlic into two parts. Then you should take a part of your garlic and rub it on your face. You can leave this piece of garlic on the most affected area for several minutes. Do not forget to wash your face afterwards.
In addition to it, you can prepare a paste of garlic and spread it on the affected area.

Make Use Of Cucumber

Cucumber is the vegetable which is widely used in cosmetics for skin as it is extremely rich in various vitamins and essential elements. For instance, cucumber is a perfect source of vitamins E, A and C. Therefore it is used for refreshing facial skin, revitalising, making it fresh, clear and young. Cucumber is suitable for treating practically all skin problems.
There are several ways in which you can use this plant. For instance, you can cut cucumber into small pieces and add some water to it. You should leave the plant in this water for at least an hour. This will allow water to get all the useful elements from cucumber. Then, you should spread the liquid on your face with the help of a cotton ball. There is no need to wash your face afterwards.
You can also prepare a paste of a cucumber and rub it on your face. The mask should be left for at least 15 minutes. Then, you can rinse it off your skin with lukewarm water.

Make Use Of Basil

You will definitely benefit from basil if you have oily skin with a tendency to develop cystic acne. One of the ways you can use this plant is preparing a cup of basil tea.
You can add several fresh basil leaves to a cup of boiling water or use dried basil for this purpose. It is better to cool the tea before applying it on your skin with a cotton ball.
If your skin is generally normal without excessive production of sebum you can use this remedy for the affected areas of your skin only.

Make Use Of Papaya

If you want to stop any negative processes which are taking place on your skin, you should try papaya. Papaya is full of vitamin and useful minerals which will help you to soothe the irritation and inflammation and make your skin smooth and clean.
You will need to cut papaya into pieces and squash them in order to extract juice. Then you should apply the juice with a cotton ball on the affected area or over the entire face. You can enrich the properties of papaya by adding some honey to it. Thus, you can make a highly beneficial mask for your skin.
Papaya can be left on your face for 15 minutes. Then you will need to rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Make Use Of Benzol Peroxide

In order to kill the bacteria on your skin fast, you can apply benzol peroxide on the affected area or use ready cosmetic products containing this substance.

Make Use Of Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is one of the most popular substances used for the production of various cosmetics designed for oily skin with a tendency to develop different types of acne. You can purchase this acid and apply it on the parts of your skin which have been affected by cystic acne.
You will see that this chemical substance can purify your skin effectively and help you to normalise the condition of your pores.

Make Use Of Witch Hazel

You probably know that witch hazel is frequently used for cleaning various cuts because of its astringent properties. The same properties can help you to get rid of your facial infections effectively. You will be able to make your inflamed pores smaller and quickly kill the bacteria.
Apply the substance with the help of a cotton ball on the area affected by cystic acne and you will be able to get rid of them. It is also advisable to treat the parts of your skin which have a tendency to develop acne with witch hazel as a preventive measure.

Make Use Of Strawberry

Strawberries have antiseptic properties coupled with various substances which are quite beneficial for your skin. For instance, you can lighten the scars left by your acne with strawberries effectively.
Any time you are eating strawberries, you can use the tops of these berries for your skin. Just rub them over the affected area and leave the juice there for several minutes. You should rinse the juice off your face with lukewarm water when you finish the procedure.

Make Use Of Tomato

Another useful ingredient for your facial mask is tomato which has more vitamin C than lemons. Tomatoes can improve the condition of your skin and help you to bleach the scars left by cystic acne.
You will need to blend a tomato in order to get paste. This substance should be applied on the entire face. In order to get positive results, the mask should be left on your face for at least 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water afterwards.

Make Use Of Mint

The paste made of fresh mint leaves is one of the best ways to clean the pores of your face and refresh the skin.
You should take several fresh leaves of this herb and grind them up in order to get a paste. You should apply this paste on your face and leave it for at least 15 minutes. Wash your face with cool water after finishing the procedure.

Make Use Of Clay

Of course, clay is one of the most popular natural remedies used for improving the condition of your skin. This unique product help to get rid of toxins, old skin, purify your pores and kill the infections.
You can find various types of clay on the market. Choose the one which is especially suitable for oily skin, for instance white or green clay. You will need to create a paste of this product by adding some warm water and mixing it well. Then, you should apply the mask on your face and wait until it dries. This will take more than 20 minutes.
You can rinse it off with lukewarm water afterwards. It will be good to apply some light moisturiser on your skin afterwards in order to avoid the dryness of your skin.

Make Use Of Listerine

You have already learnt about the way you can benefit from toothpaste while suffering from cystic acne. For the same reason, you can try Listerine which can prove to be a real enemy of your bacteria.
You can soak a cotton ball in this product and apply it on your cystic acne Listerine can be left on your skin for as long as you want. Then you can wash it off with warm water.

Preventive Measures

As far as you have learnt, it can be rather difficult for particular people to avoid the appearance of cystic acne as they can get it from their parents or grandparents. Hormonal imbalance in some situations can also be inevitable. Still, you can change your lifestyle in order to minimise the risks of developing cystic acne.
First of all, you should choose only healthy food and drink at least 6 glasses of water on a daily basis. Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you are consuming and resign from refined sugars.
Smoking and alcohol can increase the possibility the appearance of cystic acne as well. Obviously, you should not use any drugs if you want to have healthy and beautiful skin.
Additionally, you should spend more time outdoors and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Avoid stress and find a time for exercising. Doubtlessly, physical activity should take place regularly.
Don’t forget about special hygiene for the skin affected by cystic acne. Use appropriate cosmetics and exfoliate your skin twice a week.


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