Thursday 1 June 2017

Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair Permanently From Your Body

How to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair Permanently - Best Home RemediesHair covers most of the skin of every person and was developed by nature to give the body extra insulation. However, with time it has become something undesirable and unaesthetic.
In fact, very few people wish to have hair in other areas than scalp and eyebrows. And, obviously, beard – if you’re a man fond of it. Therefore, both men and women struggle to maintain the skin hair-free and smooth and – depending on the person – regularly remove the hair from the legs, feet, bikini area, hands, arms, back and face.

The more visible the area, the bigger problem the unwanted hair poses. Daily shaving is uncomfortable, time-consuming and often causes skin irritation. Shaving creams also give the results that last only a few days. What to do, then, if we want to remove the hair permanently? Read on to learn which hair removal techniques are the most effective and how to use them.

Important Reasons Of Excess Hair

Not everyone understands that the unwanted hair is a real struggle. You probably have a friend who claims that she only shaves her legs once every two weeks and it’s enough to keep her legs smooth. Or a guy who only shaves his face twice a week and regardless of that always looks well groomed. The reason why some of us have more hair depends mostly on the genetics and the hormones. If you’re a man and your father had to shave every single day, chances are you will have to do the same if you want to have smooths skin on your face.
If you are a girl and your mother complained about the necessity to shave her legs several times a week, you will probably have to make friends with a razor, too. Hormones also have a significant influence on the amount of hair that grows on our body. The higher the level of testosterone, the faster the hair grows. Women who notice excessive hair growth and have irregular periods, small breasts or some masculine features (deeper voice, excess muscles), may suspect that the excessive body hair is caused by an improper level of hormones.
In that case, they should talk to the endocrinologist and check if controlling the hormones through oral medication will not solve the problem.

General Tips About Hair Removal From Your Body

There is a wide range of hair removal techniques and you should try various ways of removing unwanted hair until you find the one that’s the best for your skin and the most comfortable for you. Some of the most popular ways of hair removal are shaving with a razor, waxing, epilating and – more and more often – laser hair removal and electrolysis.
There is a common misconception that the latter two methods allow you get rid of the hair permanently, but you have to remember that to get some really good results, you have to undergo the treatment in the right way and in the right moment. First of all, remember that as long as the skin is alive, it will try to regenerate the hair growth, so you have to be prepared to undergo some touch-up sessions on a regular basis.
Even though laser and electrolysis damage the majority of hair follicles, some of them might get reactivated by some fluctuations of hormones. That’s why many women who underwent laser hair removal and then got pregnant or started suffering from a hormone-related disease, find themselves in the same situation as before.
If you plan on having the electrolysis or laser hair removal, but there is a chance you will get pregnant within the next two to three years, think twice so that you don’t waste your money.
If you remove your hair with home methods, remember to always prepare your skin for the treatment so that it doesn’t get irritated. Try to remove the hair after a shower or a bath, when the pores are open and the hair comes out easier. Avoid razors, since they only make the hair grow back stronger and darker.
Instead, choose wax, shaving creams, epilators or one of the home remedies we describe below. Wash the skin well with warm water after the treatment and finish off with cold water in order to soothe the redness, irritation and pain and to help close the pores. Finally, apply hydrating and softening body lotions and creams on the problematic area so that the hair grows back softer and the skin remains well hydrated and nourished.


This method is currently probably one of the most effective ways to remove hair and get long-lasting results. As we mentioned before, the hair regrowth depends on many factors and in fact, the law of many states in the USA prohibits the companies offering this treatment from advertising it as a method of permanent hair removal. It does, however, damage the majority of hair follicles and leaves very little to no hair after a series of properly performed treatments.
Due to the fact that electrolysis is a very time-consuming method, it is usually chosen for smaller areas, like upper lip, chin or eyebrows, but it can also be performed on the arms, legs and bikini areas with equally good results. It’s only a matter of time and money you want to invest in the treatment.
During electrolysis treatment, a specialist inserts a very fine needle into the hair follicle and destroys it with an electrolytic ray. Since it has to be repeated for every hair, it causes slight discomfort, therefore, local anaesthetic creams are applied beforehand. There is also a small risk of a side effect in the form of scars in the points of injections, but usually they diminish within a few weeks.
People with darker skin might be more prone to the formation of those scars since there is a higher chance of hyperpigmentation in their skin.
If you want electrolysis treatment to give you relatively permanent results, you will have to undergo a series of 10-20 minute sessions. The total number of sessions vary depending on the person, but on average it takes up to 20-25 sessions to achieve the desired results. Therefore, the treatment is quite costly and time-consuming.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal
Another hair removal method that has become extremely popular is laser hair removal. A decade ago it was only available to the richest, but thanks to the technical development, the devices used in this treatment have become much cheaper and simpler to use. That’s why the treatment can be done in beauty salons, by trained specialists, and not only in beauty clinics, as before.
There are even devices you can use yourself at home, but you have to remember to follow the instructions step by step in order to not hurt your skin.
One of the reasons why laser hair removal has become so popular is the fact that relatively permanent results can be achieved after only five to seven sessions. Laser is precise, but can target larger areas of skin, so one session of laser hair removal on the upper lip can last less than five minutes. Obviously, some larger areas, like legs, will require a longer session, up to 1-1,5 h.
Remember that before you decide to undergo a laser hair removal, you should consult the specialist and check is this is the best method for your hair and skin type. It works best on people who have light skin and dark hair. If your hair is very light, the results might be disappointing. If your skin is dark, you risk hyperpigmentation and scars. Whichever is the case, a trained professional in a beauty salon will advise you on whether the treatment is right for you.
Since there is a very wide range of places that perform this treatment, make sure you ask the specialist to show you an appropriate certificate. Whoever performs laser treatments, has to be trained first. It might be a good idea to choose only places that specialise in this kind of hair removal.

How to prepare for laser hair removal treatment?

In order to achieve good results, you need to prepare your hair and skin for every laser hair removal session. First of all, don’t wax or pluck your hair for six weeks before the treatment. The laser targets the hair follicles and if you wax your hair, you temporarily remove them. They will get rebuilt by the time you get one of the following sessions, but if you prepare your hair well for the first session, you will see better results early.
Avoid sun exposure during four to five weeks before and after the treatment. This is especially important if you want to get smooth legs before holidays. It’s best to do the laser treatment in winter since you might need up to seven sessions with one or two week intervals.
This means that the whole process can take up to fourteen weeks, during and after which you should avoid the sun. Definitely not something you can do in July or August.
After every session you might notice some redness and swelling of the treated area. This is a normal reaction and will go within two to three days, but you have to be very gentle with the skin. Treat it as if you had a sunburn. Apply some aloe vera gel to soothe the pain and reduce the redness.
If you had the laser treatment done on your face, avoid chemical and mechanical peelings for a few days and use very delicate make-up. Let the skin breathe and recover.
Also, a few days after the treatment, you will notice the shedding of the hair weakened during the session (it doesn’t fall out immediately and the process of hair loss on the treated area takes a few days after each session). Don’t be tempted to rub the skin too hard in order to help the hair fall out.

One week after the treatment you can use a loofah or a sponge and massage gently the area where you decided to remove the hair with laser.

Home Laser Hair Removal Devices

Home Laser Hair Removal Devices
The market already offers laser hair removal devices to be used at home. The laser beam is obviously weaker than the one used in the professional hair removal centres, but it is designed this way for the safety of your skin. Many customers are very happy with the results and one of the very few concerns they have is that the laser head is quite small and while it’s perfect for treating small areas that require precision, it makes hair removal on larger areas, like legs and arms, quite time consuming.
When you choose a laser hair removal device, make sure it has a skin tone sensor that automatically adjusts the strength of the laser beam to the colour of your skin in order to avoid hyperpigmentation and blemishes. Also, check how many laser flashes you can get from the cartridge in the device you choose.
Obviously, the more, the better. Bear in mind that you need around 1,500 flashes for one full-body session. On average, you will need three to four treatments to reduce the amount of hair by 70-75 percent and you’ll have to have a touch-up session every four to six months, but this may vary depending on the skin and hair type.

Home Remedies To Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently

If you decide to invest some extra time instead of money into the treatments targeted at hair removal, you can choose to try some of the home remedies we describe below. Most of them require regular repetitions during several weeks, but they are simple, very economic and – most importantly – safe for the skin.

Thanaka and Kusuma Oil

Thanaka and Kusuma Oil
These two products have been used for years in Ayurvedic medicine and the mixture of the two has been proven to give permanent results when used n hair removal treatment. Thanaka is a natural inhibitor of hair growth and safflower oil nourishes the skin, makes it smooth and has anti-ageing properties. Both products slow down significantly the process of hair growth.
Depending on the area you want to treat, take from a few tablespoons to half a cup of thanaka powder and add enough safflower oil to get a smooth paste. You can apply the mixture on skin with hair or on recently waxed areas. Rub the paste of thanaka powder and safflower oil into the skin and leave an even layer to dry.
For best results, keep it on for a minimum of three hours. It’s safe for the skin so you can even leave it on overnight. Rinse it off with warm water and repeat the process daily for three months.
It might seem like a tedious process, but it gives you extra benefits of smoother, softer, better-nourished skin and is really cost-effective. You can get thanaka powder and safflower oil in Ayurvedic shops or order it online.

Alum and Rose Water

Alum and Rose Water
Alum is not very easy to obtain in western stores, but it is available online. Look for alum powder so that you don’t have to grind it yourself. Take a teaspoon of alum powder, two tablespoons of rose water and a few drops of olive oil and mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste.
Add a bit of rose water if it’s too thick, but make sure it’s not too runny, otherwise, it won’t stay on the skin. If you want to treat a larger area, increase the amount of each ingredient accordingly.
Using a cotton ball apply the paste on the skin where you want to remove the hair and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse the skin with warm water and rub a few drops of sesame oil into the skin to moisturise it. Repeat the process four times a week for three months and you will see a significant reduction in the amount of hair on the treated area.


Turmeric has versatile properties when it comes to skin treatment and has become a popular ingredient in various cosmetics and skin home remedies. For hair removal, you can use turmeric in the form of a paste made of turmeric powder and milk or rose water. If you want to treat only a small area, like upper lip, take a tablespoon of the powder and mix in a small amount of milk, drop by drop, until you get a smooth paste.
Apply the mixture on the area with unwanted hair and leave it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and repeat three to four times a week for two months. If you want to treat larger areas of skin, you can mix turmeric with ground oats or corn flour and then soak it in milk. This can be additionally used as a peeling if you apply it on the skin, perform a gentle massage and leave it on to dry.

Onion and Basil

onion and basil
The mixture of onion and basil can help you remove the majority of unwanted hair permanently, but you have to make sure you continue the treatment for at least two months. You can use whole, peeled onions, but for best results you should pick just the thin membranes from between the layers of the vegetable. You will need either half an onion or the membranes from two onions and crush them with 10 to 12 basil leaves in a mortar and pestle.
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Apply the mixture on the area where unwanted hair grows and leave it on for 20 to 25 minutes. It might smell more like spaghetti than an effective home-made cosmetic, but if you try it, you won’t regret it. Once the paste dries up, rinse it off with warm water. You might want to add a bit of gentle soap or a few drops of lemon to it in order to get rid of the smell of onion from your skin.


What you eat has a huge influence on the condition of your skin and your hair. It may also affect the growth of your hair. Specialists recommend some small changes to the diet that could help you naturally reduce the hair growth. Combined with some of the home methods of hair removal, this can bring surprisingly good effects.

Spearmint Tea

Spearmint Tea
If the excess hair on your body is caused by hormonal imbalance, you can try to lower the level of testosterone by regular drinking of spearmint tea. You can get dried spearmint leaves in every health food store or you can get spearmint tea in handy tea bags. Drink it twice a day for two to three months and your hair will re-grow weaker and less dense.

Increase the Intake of Phytoestrogen

Along with drinking spearmint tea that will help lower the level of testosterone, you can increase the intake of foods that are rich in phytoestrogen. They will help you regain the hormonal balance and reduce the amount of hair growing in unwanted places. You can buy a phytoestrogen supplement or enrich your diet with products like flax seeds, fennel seeds or herbs, soy milk, tofu and liquorice.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses
Excessive hair growth can be caused not only by hormonal but also mineral imbalance. That’s why it’s recommended to take natural supplements to replenish the missing elements. One of the best products that can help you do it is blackstrap molasses. It’s rich in minerals and iron and regular intake helps reduce the growth of hair in unwanted places.
Blackstrap molasses is sold in the form of a powder or liquid and you should take two tablespoons of the product a day for at least two months to see satisfying results. Remember that it’s not recommended to people suffering from diabetes and that you should consult the doctor fist if you’re already taking an iron supplement.


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